Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan. 17, 2014 - More ups and downs Sketches, LoPunny, Angemon

Things have been pretty rough.  I've been taking losing my tablet a lot harder than I thought I would.  Changing the method in which I draw and the setback has really given me a mental hit.  Not being able to get my lines the way I want has been rather frustrating.  Not to mention that on top of everything else in my personal life.  More on that after the sketches!!
I did these, no reference,  Trying to work on the memory.  When doing them I really felt out of my element, as though I had not been training at all.  I couldn't grasp my lines, forms, or anything.  I wasn't even able to continue these I was so disgusted.  However, Looking back at them now, I honestly don't think they are as bad as I was thought they were.  Yea, they aren't as good as with my old tablet, but considering the circumstances they aren't that bad at all.  The top mid and bottom right ones in particular.

Later that day, a friend saw my Buneary Pokemon picture and requested me to try LoPunny.
It was an interesting thing doing this one.  It felt like the change in tablet has helped me see things in a slightly different way.  I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it helped me deal with the sudden downgrade in my quality.  Even to the point where I question whether or not it is really even a downgrade at all.  Being able to see things in a slightly different way...  Interesting interesting.

I also worked on this just today I drew Angemon, one of my favorite Digimon.
It's not as good as I'd like, and it's not even finished.  I'm not sure if I will finish him, but there he is.  I was trying to play around with perspective a bit on this.  I'd say I had mild success.

As I said before, things have been very up and down for me lately.  Even though I'm learning to use this old tablet again, it still hurts that I lost my good one. on top of that, the constant feeling of having to deal with the life choices of those around me.  It seems as though when things couldn't possible get any worse things make yet another terrible turn.  As much as I would like to talk more about who, or what has been going on, I think the personal nature of it would just make it a bit difficult.  It is not a legal issue, health issue, or anything of the sort, but what I can say is that is has ate up most of my time and energy...  Time is what worries me the most..

Rest assured, while my motivation is at an all time low, I will not be dropping this.  It's pure mind over matter at this point, and despite everything falling down around me I NEED to make a push.

I finally managed to get a planner for 2014.  I've filled in my activities for the next 2 weeks.  Ever since I had kept a schedule, I have actually been able to at LEAST finish more tasks that I ever did without a planner.  This first coming week will be spent catching up on lost time from the past few weeks, then the week after that (assuming I'm able to keep up with my schedule) will be focused on that vlog I want to do to see if I can keep up with it.

So much that I need to do.  MORE TRAINING!

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