Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jan. 24, 2014 - Sketches and a Dream

(super tired when typing this) The week I had planned didn't quite pull itself together the way I wanted, but I did manage to get quite a bit done regardless (not drawing unfortunately).   I did have a rather interesting dream the other night.  I'll talk about that after the sketches.

An ok night for sketches.  ALTHOUGH  I must say, I wanted to try to do smoother lines during this session.  I want to be able to have nice solid and precise lines, so I'm trying to cut down on the amount of sketchyness in my sketches.  (cut down on sketchyness in sketches?)  Having solid precise lines could really help with animation stuff and just help with speed in general.  I got really sleep around halfway through this so the quality dropped a bit.  But overall, I am ok with them.

So about that dream.  I don't remember the context of the dream, but I do remember very vividly that it was telling me to draw 20 characters a day.  Now, I don't want to say that my dreams are any more special than the next guys, but there have been many times where it legitimately felt like my dreams were telling me things.  So, that's reason enough for me to give this 20 characters a day thing a shot.

Will I be able to follow throw with it?  We'll just have to see.  Will be trying to start an art vlog thing this week to go along with this stuff.  I think it could be fun and interesting.


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