Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan. 11, 2014 - Focused Studies.

Had a pretty busy day talking to people about my computer problems.  The guy I talked to said he might be able to recover some files from my recent hard drive failure.  Here's hoping it doesn't cost an arm and a leg haha!

This time around I wanted to do a bit more focused studies.  I seem to always have a bit of trouble with thee exact direction the head is facing, so I thought I would do a few of those.

I used real images of people for these and I think some turned out alright.  I really wanted to do more of these but it got pretty late and I still have yet to fix my sleep schedule, so I had to call a quits here.

Before I went to bed I wanted to at least get a little figure studies in.  I dont know exactly what I wanted to accomplish here.  I took the original image and wanted to try pushing the pose a bit.  This is an idea i played around with many many journals ago and I might have to give it a shot again.

Through my research I've heard many people say to try drawing the same pose over and over multiple times.  I might give that a try tomorrow before the week picks up again.

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