Monday, January 12, 2015

Jan. 12, 2015 - Return of the Dailies and new Study Method

Before the post I'd just like to say that I'm changing up the terminology a bit in 2015.  I used to throw terms around a bit with the blog but i want to redefine a few of these. 

Studies are now more focused studying of the figure or other principles or styles done.  No time is set for these.

Dailies are now the quick 30 sec to 2 min+ drawings I do.

Sketches are now drawings of my characters or other characters.

Doodles forgettable aimless sketches that are done with no direction but for some reason I saved it anyway.

and something for "completed" things.

With that out of the way, here are today's dailies!

Then today's studies.
I heard this method of studying in a random art stream a long while back.  The concept was to draw the picture 3 times in a row.  First time is tracing the image, trying to get a feel for the figure and understand the form.  Second time is to look at the image and draw it  (the way i usually do) Lastly, clear all reference and draw the image from memory. 

(I likely will not include the original image in future studies.  I dont have a problem with nudity personally (and i imagine most artists following this blog dont mind either), I'd like to keep this blog as PG 13 as possible.  Not to mention I'd rather not get in trouble with any photographers or models.  I understand this is why these images were created to be used for but I'd just rather not risk it.

This was a really interesting study.  I learned a lot from these.  1.  You can actually learn a lot from tracing an image.  So long as it is with the intention on learning the forms, lines, and just trying to figure things out.  2.  My ability to look at something and draw it isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was and that I need to do longer studies like this to really put the body together in my mind.  3.  While it is a notch worse than the previous 2 images, they aren't awful.  Its nice.

The biggest thing I think I put together from ALL this is what I have been saying for ages...  I NEEEED to get back to vilppu studies and follow him and other masters!  They are so full of wisdom and not doing so is only hindering my progress.  This month GET BACK INTO VILPPU!  It's time.

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