Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jan. 21, 2015 - RE: Vilppu Chapter 5. and Monster Girl Group

So...  I started doing the Vilppu videos again...  It took a bit longer than I wanted, but holy boots i finally got it done.  Then turns out I already did chapter 5?  WHAT!?

Ah well, whatever, it was a good refresher haha.

Here is chapter 5 again.

Monster Girls are back!!
Day 28 Group of Monster Girls

Robot Girl, Slime Girl, then Naga
I'm actually very pleased with how this one turned out.  I was able to put this one together without any reference and I think it turned out pretty freakin fantastic!  Not perfect, but very good.  I usually dont draw characters interacting like this so it was a nice challenge.  I had actually been stumped on this image for the longest time but wasnt able to figure out what I wanted to do with it.

Here was the original.

I dont know exactly when I started this one, or when I had quit working on it.  But for the life of me I didnt know exactly where I wanted it to go and it held me up for months.  Every time I opened it I simply could not figure out what I wanted to do.  So I ended up just dumping the whole thing and just started over.  Pretty glad I did.

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