Monday, January 26, 2015

Jan. 26, 2015 - 75 figure sketches, Nona

Started pretty late again today but I was able to focus a lot more on getting these drawings done.

Right off the bat I was a lot more confident than last time.  I just kept trying to focus on getting the drawings done and reminding myself of where I was some months ago.  Surprisingly I was able to go 50 gestures with no problems with only a small break between those and the last 25.  And I think the quality of them are ok.

I wanted to draw something else other than these sketches so I did a little drawing of nona in a school girl outfit because why not?

I set out with the goal of trying to do more today than yesterday.  While I don't succeeded in that area, I was at least able to do as much in far less time considering how late i started.

Let's start earlier tomorrow and see if we can beat the 75 sketches and random drawings!!


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