Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jan. 27, 2015 - 50 figure sketches, Studies, and Different Focus??

Day started out alright, then things just got a bit crazy.  It was a bit hard to focus on these but I did notice something interesting about my focus.  A different kind of focus??  More on that after the pictures.


During the first set of 25 images I noticed that I wasn't drawing "as good as I could"  There is a very particular feel that I know that I'm looking for but sometimes it just feels as though it is either not there or I cant reach it.  There is a word for it but I just cant remember at the moment.  I know I talked a bit about it a past blog.  But it's a different type of focus.  There's the focus where I'm able to get myself to sit down and work on tasks.  Then there is the other focus that allows me to get "in the zone" and see things in a different way.  It's like a way of speaking through my drawings.  Shutting out something in my brain, or letting something in that lets me achieve this "zen like" state.  I need to make note to remember this thing exists and figure out what triggers it and how to keep it.  I have noticed that the more I do, the easier this state seems to happen.  So I guess if I continue to do these studies/drawings/anything I will learn its secrets!!! 

Today had a bit of a bump in the road but tomorrow I'll do better.
Anything is better than nothing, gotta keep moving forward.

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