Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan. 25, 2015 - 75 figure sketches, Rin, Bad Sonic Fan Character

Had quite a day haha!
Actually managed to get a lot drawn.  Especially in comparison to recent months.  I've decided to take up the 1000 gestures in one week challenge again and managed to get a lot done!

Here are the pictures.

I started doing these but for some reason I was having quite an emotional up and down when doing them.  I had to constantly remind myself that it's been a while since I've done anything like this and that I shouldnt expect them to all be perfect, or even that great.  About half way through p2 I really started to feel like I was loosening up then by the time I started p3 I think I had got some kind of groove going on.  Each page has 25 figures and they were all done in 1 min each totaling to 75.  I would go on to 100+ but it's getting late and I'm pretty sleepy.  But hey, 75?  Not bad at all.

Next my buddy shaunzy told me to draw a character named Rin from a show called "Love Live"
He said to give her cat like pose so I gave her the cat ears and tail also.

After I drew the picture I didnt think it was that bad.  In fact i rather like the way it turned out.  Although I wanted to try redrawing it only with an attempt to "push the pose" a little more.  To make it a bit more dynamic.  Here is the result.
I actually really like the way this one turned out haha.  A bit more lively!!  Pushing the pose is a popular exercise to help strengthen your understanding of the pose and anatomy.  I need to do more of these.

Then later my buddy melly and I did an art trade where we drew terrible sonic fan characters with out non dominant hands.  (mine being the left)

These are so dumb, but it was silly haha.
Metal Slayer the Avenger

they're dumb, and deliberately so.

Overall this was the most productive day/week/month I have had in a very long time.  I'm feeling the drive return!!! IM FEELING IT!!!


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