Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19, 2015 - HUGE Blog update Notice

Finally getting around to updating this blog.  Things have been pretty quiet around here but that doesn't mean i haven't been drawing!  I will be using the blog's schedule thing to post things on the correct date. so anything after April 7, 2015 to this date was put in just recently.  I may not remember all the details on the particular studies so pardon the absence of info on some.


Tons of new things that I've done.  I wasn't expecting it to literally take all night.  Then again I wasn't expecting to work on it all night.  I was honestly surprised how much I had drawn between now and the last update.  For some reason I thought it was way less than it actually was.  That's pretty awesome.

Anyway, everything but 2 pictures fit where it was supposed to after April 7th.  I found 2 pictures I hadn't uploaded from March that can be found Here

There will also be a few things changing here on the blog.

The title will change from a "Date" to "Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc."

Challenge Posts
Challenges have become super fun for me to do so I've decided those entries will now get their own post to help keep things organized.  With a challenge "Master Post"

Regular Uploads
Now that things are finally settled in personal life land, let's try to get the daily studies back again!  While I think I'm in a pretty feel good mood right now, I would actually like to try another challenge like the 1000 drawing in 1 week challenge.  If i can get back to that level...  OH MAN!

Nightly Art Streams?
This isn't final yet and I'm still not sure if I want to do it, but I've been thinking about doing a nightly art stream.  It will probably be nothing too fancy and will likely not have a mic.  But hey we'll see.  I'm just thinking out loud with that post.

That's all i can think of for now. I'm way tired.  Off to bed.

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