Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 18, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Charizard #6

How do you make a pokemon any more epic than Carmeleon?  I dunno, turn it around and have it reach for the stars?  Haha. I decided on this pose because I wanted something a little different.  I'm not sure how well it turned out as far as pokemon go, BUTT I think it turned out pretty great (see what I did there?)

I really like how I was able to pull out the basic shapes of the pokemon Charizard.  I tried to reconstruct it  with those shapes and forms and it worked surprisingly well.  I think as far as the actual pokemon go I'm just gonna focus on trying to figure out the basic shapes and forms of the character and perhaps less so on making a unique pose for them.  Maybe a little bit of both?  I dunno.  I'm not setting any hard rules for this challenge other than the wanting to draw the monster girl pokemon and the actual pokemon.  So we'll see where we go in the future.

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