Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sketches, Health issues, & Future Plans


Sketches sketches sketches!

Did a few sketches, I really need to put some more time into proper anatomy and figuring out how the entire body works together.  The above sketches were done to just kinda gage where I am currently on working from memory.  I think generally speaking I have a pretty solid idea on the basic shapes of the body.  Not a solid understanding of forms just yet, but I imagine it will come in time.

I did a few of these untimed sketches because i hadn't done any in a while.  For some reason I just wasn't feeling it tonight, which kinda beings me into the next topic of Health Issues.

I've been struggling a bit with low blood pressure is past week.  It tends to become a problem when the weather warms up during the summer but since we've had a relatively cool summer (at least compared to other years) I forgot this was even an issue i have.  I spent a good majority of the week wondering why I've felt exhausted almost nonstop, almost feeling like there is something more that I was doing wrong and questioning what was going on.  It really took a bit of a toll on me.  After I finally remembered low blood pressure was a thing it kinda put things at ease for a bit.  While I've talked about this several times in the past on this blog, I'd like to just reiterate how important it is to have an understanding of your physical and mental health.  It can truly save yourself a lot of stress down the line if you are unable to perform at your best.  Mental and physical health play a very important part of all this art stuff.  Just gotta keep that in mind.

NOW with all that being said, I do still feel that there is more I can be doing.  This week I will try to jump back into some of my old study/training habits while poking around to learn a few new techniques.  I'm not gonna beat myself up if I dont achieve this goal, considering my situation and my terribly low stamina levels, but like i said.  I think I can be doing more.  At least more than this week.

We'll see what happens though.

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