Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7, 2015 - Doggy Direct

Doggy Direct...  Holy crap.

Finally after all these years and MANY setbacks Doggy Direct.  I've been wanting to do this thing for so many years.  It's a sigh of relief to finally be in a position to do it.  This little thing took at least 40 hours to put together.  I think that's a pretty awesome accomplishment on my part.  While I don't think I focused quite as hard as I should have, I think that the fact that I started and finished this thing in 3 days is amazing.  Creating the character, putting him together, animating him, dealing with audio, video, a number of unforeseen issues (that I will now easily be able to avoid next time around)  and also trying to re-familiarize myself with the animating software.  I think I did a good job.  My fingers are crossed for the next one, which should be soon!  I'd like to go more in depth about the "Doggy character" but I think I'll save that for another day.  That'll be a lengthy topic.

Here is an extra tidbit I wrote up on the facebook page about this series.
Here's a fun fact while I'm editing the blog post about Doggy Direct. Did you know the concept for Doggy Direct was originally thought of over 5 years ago? Some details, however, have been watered down and changed over the years, buuuut don't be too surprised if there's a bit more going on than it might first appear. Orbital Replay may still have it's moment to shine. But shhhh SHHHHH!!!! Don't tell anybody!! Here is the original teaser.

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