Monday, July 20, 2015

Pokemon Challenge Meowstic #678

This one was a little interesting.  Again, i chose the random pokemon thing and got Meowstic.  At first I was really intimidated about taking on this character.  Not exactly sure why.  I noticed i have a bit of trouble trying to draw characters I really like.  I can't quite understand it, but it is a hurdle none the less.  A hurdle that I think I smashed this time around!  I kept working with her proportions and tweaking things till I got things looking decent.  On the pose, I decided to just go with the same pose as Meowstic.  I wanted to see if I could get the human form in that pose without any additional reference.  Think I did pretty good and feel genuinely proud of this one. 

It's starting to feel like all those studies I've been doing are really paying off.  At least in a small way.  I'll have to return to more rigorous studies.  I'm starting to really crave the knowledge.  and this excites me.  I need to dive into a hefty bowl of tutorials and go nuts!


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