Monday, July 27, 2015

Lost an old friend

Lost an old highschool friend today.
We weren't the closest of friends but he was a pretty swell dude and we always got along.  Death is always an interesting topic to talk about.  You never really expect it to hit you haven't been taking this one too well for some reason.  The guy was a few years younger than myself and I think I'm feeling the same thing I felt when the internet lost Eddsworld some years back.  That they had so much to live for.  The whole survivors guilt thing always creeps into my mind.  These people had their lives together and their entire futures were ahead of them.  Yet here I am scrambling around to make ends meet not entirely sure where I want to take things.

I dunno.  Maybe it's just that it happened so soon after the loss of Iwata.  Things may not be the best right now, but I've got to continue.  Gotta keep up my training!  If not for me, then for the people that have had their lives unfortunately cut short

R.I.P.  JJ


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