Thursday, July 23, 2015

Vilppu Chapter 6

Finally finished vilppu chapter 6

Every time I finish a vilppu study it honest feels that I have learned so much from his lessons.  Yet there is always some kind of psychological thing that that seems to keep me away from seeking out more of his studies or even other tutorials.  I dont know what it is exactly, and I'm pretty sure i've said these exact words every time I pose a vilppu study thing...  But I dont know.  it is an odd feeling.  I always feel at my best when I'm learning new things, but there's some kind of fear holding me back from doing more.  hmmm...  The "fear of success" that I did that one blog entry about.  double hmm...  I need to combat this.  but the only way to combat it is to JUST DO IT!

My  next two vilppu lessons are about Anatomy.  Something I've desperately needed to learn.  It should be a great starting point for anatomy.  After that I miiiiiiiiiight put vilppu lessons on hold for a bit and really dive more into animation lessons.  The amount that I've learned from this guy is insane, but it is only scratching the surface.

Either way, need to make more of an effort to do tutorials and learn more.  JUST DO MORE!  OAWOWOOAAWO!


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