Monday, December 10, 2018

~This is fine.

Little fan piece I did for shaunzy's Windwaker randomizer

He started out on a tiny island with almost nothing haha


Friday, December 7, 2018

Monday, December 3, 2018

~Chrono NobodyFan

Another fan piece for a fellow Twitch Streamer Chrono!

He's been such an awesome guy helping to support the stream and such a pal.  He's a big fan of Kingdom Hearts so I drew him as a kingdom hearts Nobody 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

~Sailor DemBoots!

 Did a little drawing for DemBoots as a pokemon trainer!  

She was my first big raid on Twitch and proceeded to just be such a wonderful person.  Thank you so much again for everything!

She now goes by NeoMoon

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

~Panda Background for a friend!

Panda background for a buddy of mine!

She needed a background for her twitch page.

Im not sure how happy i am with it, but here it is!

Monday, November 12, 2018

~MoodBoard from 2018

Made a moodboard on stream!

The idea is to take your biggest inspirations and put them all on a single image to help give you an idea of what really inspires you.  It's to give you direction and point out similarities in the various styles you like.

I noticed I'm a big fan of brighter colors.  and simpler character designs.  Cell shading and character shapes.  Cute characters, futuristic.

Very fun exercise. I recommend it

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Blog updated!

Everything has been fully updated.  Phew that took a while.  But it was really nice to be able to look back and reflect on everything that's happened this year.  Im actually really glad things played out this way.  ♥

More art in the future!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Big ol update

Hey guy it's been a while!  Long time no post.  I have a heck of a lot to say but it's late and i just want to start posting all that missed art on here again.

Stay tuned for a big update on really trying to pull everything together!!

I'll be posting everything under the correct date.  I don't know if i'll remember all the context, but I'll add what i can remember, as well as a master post that will link to all those posts after they are posted.

Edit:  I've had some issues digging up some of my old study documents with tons of gestures.  I have had a number of huge file migrations in my absence and seem to have lost some of those gesture files.  Everything else seems to be in tact, but for some reason those gesture files are missing.  Just imagine a few of them thrown in there in between some of the pretty pictures ♥

Friday, October 19, 2018

Pokemon Monstergirl Victini #494

Pokemon Monstergirl Victini!

Another one that was suggested from instagram by CremeLord!  Really like how this one turned out haha.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Pokemon Monstergirl Cubone #104

It's that time again!!!  Lets bring back out the Pokemon monster girl challenge!
Cubone was suggested by my buddy Raz over on Instagram!  Im actually really happy with how this one turned out haha.  Glad to be doing creative fun things again.  ♥

Hampton Finale


Internet's been a bit wonky, I was actually wanting to study Proko's hands but internet was down so i had to try the hampton method.  Since this was earlier in the book, he did a really good job explaining everything.  Dont really have a whole lot to say.  But ITS DONE!!

Then the final chapter Drapery?


Final thoughts?  Really glad I took the time to read this book.  I learned SO MUCH MORE than I thought was even possible.  This book was a nice start to better understanding the human anatomy. 

I still have a lot more to learn, but at least I have my foot in the door.  Things started getting a little rough at the end...   but no regrets!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hampton Foot

Next to last lesson...  The foot!!!

The foot is such a strange thing.  But hampton actually did a good job explaining how the foot works. Seeing all the geometry reminds me how I still need to take some time to study more on cubes.  It's kind of crazy now that understanding how cubes and perspective work can really give everything a massive boost in quality and understanding.  I think when all this is said and over-with I'd like to go back and study more of this 3d nonsense.   Funny that many artists talk about the importance of being able to see and draw things in 3d....  Now im starting to see why it's so important.

This little guy showed up randomly while drawing one of the feet ahha.

I think i was drawing the foot on the top right?  Then i added a silly face.  But i didnt want to just undo it so i copied it haha.  He's the spooky foot man OOOOO!!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Learning From Jack

Today was an interesting day.  Twitch user JackMorrisonDraws joined me in a stream today and basically filled me in on a lot of the aspects I was kinda hung up on with the hampton lessons.  He explained a lot about things we should focus on such as lines and gestures and studies etc.  He's a super swell dude and I really appreciate the time he took to explain this stuff to me.  Even shared a bit of his life story with me.  It was good stuff.  Thank you very much jack!! 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Hampton Rant.... Legs & Arms(?)

Ok so...  I did the entire section about the arms but for some reason that file got deleted?
It's a shame, those were some of the most impressive bones I think I've ever drawn haha.  They're still on the stream archive, but dang.  Just imagine I did the arms yesterday haha.

But on to the legs!  Then the rant to end it all.

I had a lot of trouble with the legs...  and the arms as a matter of fact.  I don't know what it is, but these later lessons but it feels like hampton's clarity went out the window.  Half the time he's not even using the right vocabulary from what he establishes earlier in the chapter, then other times he's using vocabulary that he doesnt mention anywhere????  It's frustrating that the book seems to be falling apart like this.  Luckily i had google there to help me make scene of this mess...  BUT...

I think there is still enough information in there to make it worth doing the lessons and finishing the book...  But still.  IT's frustrating none-the-less. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


It's Bombette!!
The whole bowzette craze is going on and somebody mentioned wanting to put a crown on a bomb omb and have it come out looking like megumin.  So i did ♥

I might change it up a bit more later but I like how it turned out :D

Might have to come back and color this one one day

Monday, September 24, 2018

Figures and Enid

Did some figures.  I need to not lose focus on doing these.

They're all so very helpful, and if im able to keep with them I can see a noticeable improvement in my artwork.  The gestures just have a lot more power behind them.  The flow is much nicer also.

Then I did Enid from OK KO!!

I freakin love Enid!!  I just hadnt colored something in a while.  So here's Enid!! ♥

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Hampton Hamtaro!

More Hampton!

On the top layer I learned the Oblique muscles.  2nd row first muscle was the serratus, 3rd errectus, then the last one (which i guess is kind of over everything else on the back) is the latissimus dorsi.  These freakin crazy names haha.

Then Hamtaro.  I've wanted to draw hamtaro for a while.  So here he is! hahaha.
I was super not feeling it while i was making it.  But looking back he actually looks pretty cute haha. 

I need to stop beating myself up while im drawing and just let it go with the flow...  This is something that I've dealt with in the past, and I think I've done a pretty good job at dealing with it in the past also.  Just need a little refresher every now and then ♥

Friday, September 21, 2018

Unbelievable stream: Demboots, and Twitch Gems Affiliate Push!

Today was an unbelievable day.  I absolutely dont even know how to put into words exactly how today was....

Let's start with the lesson, then after the picture I'll get all emotional with ya for a minute.

Today's lessons were focused on the Abdominal muscles (called the abdominus)  and how they fit on the human body.  When the body is twisting and turning how it all works together.

Today was a rough day.  A rougher day than usual, in many regards.  16 years ago today my dad passed away from cancer...  Which usually doesn't bother me anymore.  I've had many this date go by many times and outside of a brief remembrance of the day I felt not too much out of the ordinary.  But for some reason it hit me pretty hard today.  Maybe all these mental breakthroughs I've had recently has affected me more deeply than I thought...  but it was a really hard morning.  Almost to the point where I almost called off the stream entirely to just go to bed early.  But...  I decided to power through.  I decided to at least give it my best effort for the night and boy was I glad I did. 

In the middle of this rough stream, it feels like the planets completely aligned in my favor.  I was raided by amazing twitch user Demboots and then everyone from the Twitch Gems community...  I got twenty freakin' followers in one night pushing me over the last requirement I needed to become affiliate.  The amount of amazing that happened that night...  It's so difficult to put into words.  Everyone was there supporting me.  It was one of the most surreal moments of my life. 

It just feels like everything is finally coming together.  Slowly im unlocking these mental blocks that have halted my progress for years...  It's amazing.

It was a very emotional night.  in a very positive way.  I couldn't possibly be more more appreciative of everybody who has helped me reach this point.  It truly has been an honor and a pleasure.  One that I do not take lightly.  Thank you all so much.

Thank you everyone... past and present.  I will continue to try my hardest o make you all proud.♥

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hampton STERNOMASTOIDS and figures.

I just noticed that I didnt mention the muscles in the actual picture hmmm...

Top one was Sternomastoid
2nd one is the Pectoralis muscles
3rd row first one is Trapezius
3rd row 2nd one is Deltoids

It's really interesting to see and learn what is going on below the skin.  Hampton does an amazing job at really detailing how everything fits together.  With every lesson im kicking myself that I didn't do this stuff years ago...  But as I say in previous entries, it's better late than never!!

Then I finished off the night with some figure drawings.

Had a very productive night.  It's crazy how much all this streaming stuff has been able to help me focus. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Crackin' up the next Hampton lesson

Following the lessons and chapters.

Im guessing this was kind of a preview of the back muscles.  He talked a bit about the overall process.  The Gesture, Shapes, Landmarks/Volumes, Anatomy, then Value.  then how things kinda move around.   Very interesting stuff.  Cant wait to really get into the next lesson!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

More Loomis Head

Took some more time to learn the Loomis head by watching more of Prokos videos.

It's crazy how much since this little lesson makes.  The simple circles and lines all just kinda meet up...  Crazy! 

I must be completely honest.  There's a portion of me that's really beating myself up that I didn't take this stuff more seriously sooner.  It's all so much simpler than I thought it would be.  It's a crappy feeling, but it's better late than never.  I'm finally digging in and finishing all these and that's all that matters.

It's the old chinese proverb "The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago.  The next best time to plant a tree is now."  If i can use this new schedule of slowing down, energy, and new passion for getting better to pull myself...  I want to use this as an opportunity to show that it's never too late to get better.  It's never too late to start from the ground floor and learn.

It's never too late.

It's never too late.

It's never too late.

Must keep up my training!!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Andrew Loomis Head & Depersonalization

Had a few people in chat saying that Hampton's head lesson is a bit complicated for somebody of my skill level and suggested I try Andrew Loomis head instead.  They told me to check out youtuber Proko to see it in action.

Then I did a few more of these shape things.

The last little part of that was an interesting video i ran into that talked about how to deal with Depersonalization.  It talked about having a healthy diet, proper rest, MAYBE exercise(will touch on this in just a minute)  Removing as much stress as possible then vitamin supplements that can help ease the effects of DPD.  Most of it I kinda knew but it was nice having it put together in such a nice way.  This is the first part of a multi part series on what DPD is and really explains things in a way I'd never seen before.  It was a great watch.

Then the last few were just a few extra figures.

The more I do this streaming thing, the more feeling the urge to share my story more.  Not just the art side but the whole mental side of things.  I feel like that's an aspect of art that often goes under represented and under appreciated.  The aspect of looking inward to understand the reasons for these inner struggles.  Feels like it goes so much deeper.  And the deeper you go the harder things get...  but it's like waking up from a nightmare when you start to figure things out...  It's powerful.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Isabelle was announced for smash.  So I had to do an Isabelle.
Actually really freakin happy with how this one turned out. 

It's adorable...  to the 5th power.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Back to Box Man - Cylinders

Last of the return to  He actually had a lot of really interesting things to say about cylinders that I wasn't expecting to get from this lesson.    Really did open my eyes on how to see this stuff.

After I did a few of the "normal" lessons.  I decided to throw together a bunch of cylinders to make a few figures.

Then somebody in chat said to combine the forms and cut them out and stuff.  Very interesting.

These are some lesson that i'll definitely have to return to again in the future.  Just playing with shapes and making and mixing things.  I can see that helping a ton with my understanding of things.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Back to boxman - Ellipse

Back to !!!

jkevinyu also suggested that I do the cylinder studies from box man.

As I learned more in how the body structure works, them obvious it was that maybe i need to at least learn the proper way to do a cylinder and ellipses.

So I did a bunch!  haha

Again, i feel this is one of those areas I absolutely need to put more time into.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Hampton and Ms Mummy

Today's lessons dealt with arm and leg landmarks as well as how the squash and stretch works in the stomach area.

I I cant help but wonder why he selected some of the landmarks that he did.  Most make sense, but why the entire bottom of the leg isn't even mentioned, but the knee and the ankle are?  I dunno.  I'll learn them the way I'm supposed to.  But i cant help but find it a little strange.

Then here's Ms. Mummy from OK KO!!

If you cant tell, I really like OK KO.  I just wanted to draw another character from the show haha.
I thought she was super cute when they showed her in an episode so i figured why not draw her! ♥

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lord Boxman

Lord Box Man from OK KO!

I thought he would be a fun character to draw since I always call the guy that runs Box Man.

He's gonna sit in the corner of my streams for a while haha.

Hampton Chest and Pelvis

Hampton chest and pelvis!

He took a little time to explain the relationship of the chest and the pelvis. I'm trying my hardest to stay close and follow as much as I can.

The concept is pretty simple.  But the practice is nice.

Tried to take what I've learned so far and am trying to put them into some of my normal studies.

Then this little box dude showed up haha.

Not too much else to say.  But im doing it!!!  ITS HAPPENING!!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Hampton Front Land Marks

Hampton's 7 Front and 5 back landmarks!

These are points on the body to help remember placements of anatomy.  Learning the distance between them, their shapes, and their functions.  Spent the entire day trying to learn all these body parts by name.

I'm actually kinda surprised how easy it was for me to learn all these haha.  There's still a few im having some trouble with, but most of them were pretty easy to learn.  This is only the first of many steps!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Hampton Spine

Hampton Spine lesson

Hampton is finally getting into some of the spine stuff.  He really emphasized the importance of the spine and the curvature of the spine and how it works.  It's a lot of very interesting things to think about.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Johnny Bravo as Captain Falcon!!

It's Johnny Bravo as Captain Falcon! 

What a surprise!!  My buddy Raz showed up tonight and suggested to mix captain falcon and johnny bravo!!  So this is what we came up with haha.  Im actually really happy with how this one turned out.  ♥

More Hampton & Twitch Gems

Did some more hampton.

I'm really just following along trying to soak in as much information as i can.  He talked more on flow, gesture, symmetry and lines.  This is all very interesting but I cant wait to get into the meat and bones of anatomy!

AND I joined the Twitch Gems today!
Twitch gems is a small community ran by two good buddies of mine BreaknJake and Kaybeetries!  It's a small community designed to help promote small streamers and to just generally be a positive place for people to mingle and talk about just about anything. 

Joining communities is always an interesting thing for me.  I've been very much a solo guy on youtube for the last 10 or so years...  So joining a community feels a little different to me.  But jake and kayla are super great folks and I'm really liking how they have this community set up.  I'll give it my all and try to be as valuable of a member as I can be.  It seems to be mainly a gaming focused community, but they all have welcomed me with open arms!  What an exciting new chapter.

Thanks again for the invite Jake and Kayla!  ♥