Sunday, January 20, 2013

Good Times haha!

Studies started out just as normal as ever with these two images.

 And well...  I was in a chat with a few freinds at the time... and let's just say I changed a few things.  Queen of blades, large hatted, derpy faced Bluto.  Creepy Me Gusta Super Saiyan female Popeye with a pipe in her ear. and Pink Ranger Olive Oil. with a jetpack.  I'll just let that sink in a bit.

Before I decided on bluto's face I originally wanted to try a "The Baby" face from Mokuu's Metroid Other M picture but couldn't pull it off quite right.  It felt to fitting for the pose, so I had to change it up a bit.  I also went ahead and put the other images by silly ones haha.  Olive Oil's pose was created through various popeye google searches.
I had a lot of fun doing these kind of silly random drawing sessions.  It's a good way to spark some creativity and just be goofy.

A thing I've noticed, especially when doing these, is that I am really beginning to understand how to use resources and references.  It seems like such a nobrainer, but I'm legitimately surprised with how much I've learned, even from silly little things like these.

But one things for sure.  SLEEP NEEDS to get sorted out.  That will be my #1 task this week.  These stupidly late hours.  No.  Just, no.

Live stream link to this session is here:

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