Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Productive Night for Art

Just had a pretty productive night. 
More working on poses:

I'm pretty pleased with these.  I'm beginning to feel my understanding of the human figure really work.

I did a little work on faces.
For these few, I just went to deviantart and tried to create a few that I saw that looked interesting.  There's no doubt that I need more studies on faces and the way they work, but im pretty pleased with these also.  Plenty of room for improvement, but I like them.
 I wanted to get a little work in on my character, So i jumped in and tried doing a few expressions.  I am not familiar with these types of characters AT ALL.  But I'm having a blast exploring the possibilities.
And lastly, I really need to take time to study styles that I really like.  I'm a pretty big fan of simplicity.  and Egoraptor's art style has always been one that stands out as something I like.  So I decided to attempt  drawing the title image for ego's sequelitis series.  It turned out pretty good I must say.  I had a lot of fun trying to get his colors as close as I could without using the dropper tool.

It feels so great to have done more than usual tonight.  But I still must step up my game.

I must keep up my training.

1 comment:

  1. Budewnumber2: I love your faces, their really amazing, wow, you really are talented.
