Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Squiggle Physics

After almost 2 entire days of fighting with my computer, I DID A THING!!

Since I redid windows on my tablet, I was able to use the detect pressures now... who knew?  haha  I did this for about 10 minutes just goofing off with the function, I like it!  (I wont upload everything i did just because it all pretty much looked like this one XD)

 After my amazing Squiggle Physics, I just...  I dont know, but there's a soda machine in it.  FREAKIN SODA MACHINE!!!

 And lastly, I thought I should really focus on a thing, so I did these!
Not the super best, but it was pretty late.  I learned a lot from these, good studies.

I have also been dabbling around a bit in photoshop.  I know almost nothing about the program, but my good friend shaunzy does amazing things in it and I think it's worth my time to learn it better.  I REALLY love flash for this kind of stuff, just simple things... although, it really wasn't designed for this stuff, it's a good program and I know it inside and out.  Buuuuuuuuuuuut....  I'll give photoshop a try.  ILL DO IT!

Tomorrow more training.

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