Sunday, January 27, 2013

Photoshop again! (Fixed problems)

So after I posted yesterdays blog, I did a bit more research on how to fix the various problems I was having with my photoshop.

Surprisingly I fixed EVERY problem I had with photoshop haha!   I have no idea how it would perform under more intense usage, but I was very pleased with the results.  (will explain how I fixed the problems at the end of this post)  Naturally, I felt a bit out of practice from the minor break i had from drawing to finish that animation, but after a few sketches I think I'm back in gear (if not maybe a tiny bit rusty but there is no doubt that more training will fix this little setback)

These more non-timed studies.  All were done in photoshop.

Lag Problem Fix:
It turned out the lag problem I was having in photoshop was do to it not having enough allocated memory to run the program correctly.  I had no idea such a problem could even exist, but I found a fix (at least for my case) to be the following:

On the top bar click "Edit" ->  "Preferences" -> "Performance..."

A new window will open up.
In this window, I upped the "Let Photoshop Use: xxxx MB" to allow 80%
Then just right, I changed the Cache Levels to "8"

There is now no lag BAM.

Pen Pressure Issue:
I was under the impression that the pen pressure issue was because of my tablet, however, after looking into it a but further, it turns out it is in fact a driver issue.

This is the problem I was having with the pressure sensitivity:

And this is the fix:

I am happy.
More training tomorrow.

Here is the stream:

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