Friday, January 18, 2013

Livestream and Blog

After much fooling around, I think I finally managed to figure out this livestream thing.
I did a few drawings before the livestream, then a few during.  I've gone back and watched my livestream and I think this could be a helpful tool to see just how exactly i draw and what areas I could improve on.  Though, during the livestream i spent too much time thinking about all kinds of things that I shouldn't have been.  Stream quality, playlist music, events from today, etc.  Not to mention I was a bit nervous from this being my first stream.  So needless to say my mind wasn't really in the right place.  Here's hoping I lose these stream nerves soon enough.  A link to the recorded stream will be at the end of this blog post. 

Here are todays pictuers.

Stream Link:

While I was doing these I was rather angry for some reason.  No doubt the reasons I listed above, but I was pretty upset with the quality of my work and was really asking myself if this was all worth it.  I managed to talk myself out of this silly talk and tried to stay focused on the training.  Though, by the time I had ended, I had done a few good drawings that I really felt proud of and reminded myself of how far I've come since I started these exercises.

I've come some way from when I first started, and I can see it in some of the pictures.  Some things really shape up nicely, while others not so much.  But I can feel the improvement.  Stay focused on the goal doggy, stay focused!  You had a rough day, calm yourself.  *takes a deep breath*
Just gotta pound out those negative thoughts and replace them with positive.
More training tomorrow!

Also, these are good.  Thanks for sharing Mokuu!

I need to go back and analyze my work more and see what little areas I can improve on.  I consider just about everything to be in somewhat of a "mush" state, so going back to redo sketches i thought were bad might not be a bad idea.  But MAN...  I really am happy that I am drawing again hahaha.  Had a little grumpy night.  But not even tonight's grumpage could ruin my excitement and determination to improve!  Art is slowly becoming my favorite pastime.

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