Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More Training

Good friend of mine Shaunzy streamed a bit of DMC tonight, so I did SMCBHWBHAB


I like the way this one turned out,  It's a devil may cry inspired image only with shaunzy!  I had a lot of trouble with the head, but after much tweaking I think it turned alright.

Here's a few sketches I did.  some features really stood out as being rather nice.  The middle one in particular stood out as having decent proportions.

Lastly, WOW, this is a guy!
Another old character creepin up, WATISTHIS!?

I changed his design up just a tad from his original.  His original was very very basic.  I might have to do a thing with him, much like Nona.   But we'll see.

I'm pretty happy with the small progress I've made.  I need to get back into figure studies and pick up "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" again.  Till then, MORE TRAINING!!!  I really need to up my speed on these.  Speed is VERY important with animation, or at least with my tastes in art speed.  While I'm becoming more and more comfortable with working longer hours on a single image, I still think speed is important.  Maybe this will change one day?  Who knows, but for now, i need to keep this in mind.

Oh also, I saw some guys on other blogs doing this, and I think I will add it to this blog as well.  Where they had a tag on their title that said what day they did their drawings on.  Example, first post would be Day-1, 2nd post would be Day-2, etc.  I'd of-course have to go back and edit in the titles,  or just start tomorrow as "Day-1"  I'm not sure.  But it sounds like a fun way to track the days I put into my art.

Either way, till next time.

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