Monday, December 31, 2012

What time is it!?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Metroids Sackboy and Kenshiro OH MY!

I finished this one to go along with a an audio mix thing.

And Sackboy having tea with Kenshiro

Having a grand ol time no doubt!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It's christmas time!
But I somehow managed to get some drawings in today.

Gonna try giving the face and head study another shot this week.  Oh wait... just realized this week has already started  XD.  Either way, more head studies coming tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Still have a lot to learn when it comes to heads and faces.
I found a nice face reference source on deviantart a while back.  I'll go ahead and drop a link to that here.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Great Night!

Got a decent amount of time tonight to do some drawings, and boy did I jump on that.  I started out the night doing gesture drawings from posemaniacs.

But in between page 1 and 2 of tonight's studies I decided to check out the website.  Both and are both websites similar to posemaniacs only instead of 3d rendered characters it is actual pictures of real people.  I think its a step in the right direction from the posemaniacs site I've been using.  Admittedly, I was a bit intimidated by actual pictures of people so I avoided websites like those.  Thankfully, I think I've progressed enough that I feel comfortable moving on to these.  This time I decided to chose lovecastle over pixelovely because it had a "Not timed" option, which  I did for the rest of these.  To my surprise, they actually turned out alright!  Definite room for improvement no doubt, but it's a nice first step.

Of the real lovecastle sketches, I was particularly proud of this one.  Early on I liked the way it was turning out, so I copied an early image of it so that I would be able to compare it to the later completed image.

Over the past few days, though I haven't  been updating the blog, I have actually done a few other images. I have also completed the next lesson in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  Although I haven't scanned those in the computer yet.

Here are the other images I drew and a few thoughts I had to go with them.

A while back, I had commissioned a few friends to get a bit of their artistic input on a character I wanted.  This design was done by a good friend of mine Mokuu (Image found here).  I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit discouraged working on these.  They simply weren't turning out quite like I had planned.  (not the commission, but the images i drew below)  but having a few days to sit back and look at it and think things through,  I now see it as another challenge to overcome, a hurdle to jump, etc etc. 

These are other images I did...  They.. I...  WHAT IS THIS EVEN!?

In all seriousness, I wasn't disappointed with these, I got some parts good, other parts need some work.  I'll make note of them for next time! 

I must keep up my training!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Draws!

Got a bit of time tonight so I did some more sketches.  OH MAN..  OH MAN hahaha
I'm so sleepy, but I'm proud of these.  The life!!  THE LIFE!!!

AND another drawing I did was for an art trade I did with a good fiend of mine Shaunzy.

While not perfect, I am very proud of how this one turned out.  Particularly the pose.  I didnt use any reference on the pose and the proportions turned out rather nice.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Right Side of the Brain

Tonight, I thought I would change things up a bit by doing the next assignment of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  Not gonna lie, when i first started this drawing, I felt that I was thrown so far out of my comfort zone it was not even funny.  "What am I even doing?" I asked myself.  But as time went on, I really began to feel my groove.  The assignment was to draw this image:  portrait of igor stravinsky upside down.  The image in the book was upside down, and we had to draw it as such, upside down.  At the end of the chapter it wanted me to draw 2 more images in the same manner I did with this one.  Though I feel that I already know many of the concepts and ideas portrayed in this book, I think there is still a lot that i can learn.  If even the reassurance of various teachings I have picked up over time.

Book Stuff:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Improvements? Ah ah?

Another long day.  But the sketches are done.  I still think I'm seeing the same improvements of the other day.  This pleases me.  It's just a tiny bit more life than earlier sketches, but this still pleases me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

more draws

Need to clear my mind.  Have too much going on in there.  Either way, it's late again and here are the sketches.  My mind wasnt in it at all, but there are a few in there that turned out pretty good.  I'll just get a good nights sleep and see what i can do in the morning.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Completion Troubles

I had this on my mind and thought I would jot it down here.

I have always had problems completing things I start.  From animations, drawings, and just about everything.  I am even noticing a bit of that here.  Well...  Kind of.  I guess it really boils down to just how "complete" a gesture drawing can be haha.  Then again, I guess they actually are complete.  But I digress, completing "full" works of art have always been a problem for me, and I see this as an opportunity to improve myself in that area. 

I don't know how soon, but I want to eventually work some time into my schedule to complete one fully colored image a night.  I know very little about coloring and color theory so I also see that as an opportunity.  I have always loved bright colors in paintings,  animation, and, cartoons if i can capture that,  OH MAN!

As always, I mustn't get ahead of myself.  I'm just thinking out loud a bit here.

Sleepy Studies

Told myself I wouldnt miss another session unless I had a real good excuse.
Playing games isn't one of them.

I really need to get my sleep back on schedule.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

45 Second Sketches EXCITEMENT

I don't get gesture drawings.  Something about it just doesn't click in my head.  And I'm not entirely sure what it is about gesture drawings that just doesn't make any sense.  I mean, I GET it, and understand how it can help and the purpose behind them and how it's important to do them.  But...

The Vilppu guy said to do 2 minute gesture drawings.   I tried this, and just about went insane from my lack of understanding.  However, the guy over at Ctrl Paint website said to do 45 second gesture drawings.  So rather than ripping my hair out for not fully understanding something, I took the 45 second route.  While I don't yet understand how to do them correctly, gesture drawings are a very important part to loosening up and understanding stuff better....  Or so I'm told.  Much like my opinions on other topics regarding this blog, I will take their word for it.  These people know INFINITELY more about art than myself, so my fate is in their hands.

I tried to take what I learned and just went at it full force.  More thoughts on tonights session after the sketches.

After the sketches, I can see more life in some of these!  I could feel it while I was drawing.  That I had a much stronger idea of what I was doing.  Or at least...  I felt that way.  Maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me, but some of these I am very proud of.  I feel my direction is still a bit scattered.  But I am very VERY pleased!  Small improvement yes, but an improvement nonetheless.  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  But I musn't get ahead of myself.  But perhaps I'll live in the clouds for a bit.

**Edit**  After a bit of thought, I have decided to take the liberty to take the gesture drawings that I think turned out the best and pasted them all together on one sheet.  These are not more drawings, but just my favorites of the above sketches.  They have a very different sense of vitality to them that I think really sets them apart from the rest.

BUT  It appears to be 3AM again...  I really should stop doing these so late.  But oh man.
I need to keep up the training!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

small session

These were done last night, I'm a bit late on the upload.  Again, I was just fooling around with ... well... everything haha.  For some reason I'm having a rough time grasping the concept of gesture drawings.  Like it's thrown a wrench in my gears.  I need to dedicate more time to understanding these.  Either that or set it aside for a later date.
 And a few skull studies.
I've had a lot of shorter study sessions lately, I need to really set some time apart to really dive into these.  I have no particular plans tonight, I might have to give it a shot.  Though...  I really need to focus on fewer things at one time.  I think the main thing I should be focusing on are the studies in "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"  EVERYBODY EVER has suggested this to me, so I owe it to them to finish it.  **Edit** although it seems as though I seem to have misplaced it...  Time to tear my room apart.

While these past sessions have been significantly smaller, I think it's also worth noting that I haven't stopped.  I am keeping with it.  I'll end this with a quote that I've held near to me ever since I heard it.

“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go-so long as you do not stop.”-Confucius

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Off Timing

I need to not do these so late.  Not too sure what the focus of these were.  It was more or less late night sleepy sketches.  I'm seriously beginning to consider jumping programs.

I mainly do these in Flash because that is the main art program I use since I do animation work.  I figured I would just use flash for these studies.  However, the more I learn about studies and how to properly do them, I'm beginning to think a different program may be in order to fully get the most out of these studies.

While flash is an amazing program for animation.  I think I might need to jump ships soon.  Lots of dudes use Sai paint tool.  I might consider investing into it.

I dunno, I may stick with flash...  We'll see what happens.  Until then, I'm off to hibernate.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Animation

It has been completed.

A few hours turned into a few days and many unexpected glitches and errors.  But in the end, it was completed...  And now I take a sigh of relief, and await the reception.  *bites nails in the corner*

More studies soon!  Then the next animation project must begin.

Animation Update, almost done!

Told myself I would have this thing finished by tomorrow (today?)  however, there's still one bit at the end I am still unsure of what I want to happen.  I've decided to sleep on the ideas and look at it again with fresh eyes in the morning.

Learning to step away from a thing then returning at a later date is a really good idea.  Something I need to do more of.

Here is another screen to pass the blog over till completion.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Negative Space & vilppu

Animation update, all major portions are complete.  I completely redid the audio and sound effects.
And I Should be well on my way to having it completed tomorrow (and uploaded on monday)  Here's hoping it's all smooth sailing from here!

Finally managed to get ahold of the Vilppu dvds (Thanks again to ID for telling me about these dvds) and tried to give them a go.  Soon into it I realized it was a bit late and was only going in one ear and out the other, so I only did a little.  These will no doubt help with my future studies.  I can really see how having a full grasp of gesture drawings can increase my productivity and help my understanding.

While doing some of these gesture studies, I somehow felt like doing some negative space drawings.
I don't know why, but I did.  SO BAM!
Negative Space:

I'm really seeing some improvements in my proportions and overall figure understanding.  This pleases me.  Although, the first few were a bit... uhh.. yea.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Return of the Studies

Since I started working on my animation and halted my studies, I have had a very strange since of longing.  Like something has been missing.  I attempted to ignore these feelings to continue work on the animation and of-course focus on holiday stuff.  However, my since of yearning continued to intensify.  Like a part of me was missing.  It was almost as though it was a form of emotional pain.  Like I had turned my back on a portion of myself I have always wanted.

I think it must be the neglect on my newly found desire to improve my artwork.

I finished of the night by returning to my studies.  I feel at ease.

After searching the Sig's and IDs blog, I stumbled onto a rather nice art resource that is ran by a guy who does professional video game concept design.
Here is a link:
The guy gives some really sound advice and I am glad to add this to my list of resources. I attempted to put together a bit of what I used in these body studies.  Again, i was focusing on shapes, and understanding as much of what I have learned as possible.

Body Studies:
I don't have a mirror on hand to try what Mokuu suggested I do with faces, but I did manage to find an old face resource thing on deviantart that will no doubt be helpful at a later date.

Because of how late i started these I only managed to pull off a few images.  The more I study faces, the more I see the need to understand how it works.  I need to study the muscles and bone structure in more detail.
Face Studies:

Lastly, here is another early still from the animation.  I have a more complete version of this scene, but you'll have to wait till it's finished to see it :P

I learned a lot about colors with the guy on the right.  Some day I'll need to dedicate more time to learning proper color theory.

As I think back, I cant help but wonder why it is exactly that studies give me such a since of accomplishment, while animating seems to do the opposite.  Especially since animating has always been a huge part of my life, where as studies are rather new.  Then again, so is this desire to learn new art things.

I best not ask questions.  I'm just happy to be drawing again.  I'm sure everything will fall into place.  Perhaps when I have a better understanding of shapes, lines, and other things, I should shift my focus to animation studies.


Holiday and Frustration

Where do these holidays come from, I tell ya.

The Thanksgiving holiday literally snuck up on me this year.  We ended up doing things a little bit different this year which lead us to celebrate  it on two separate days.  This combined with frustration towards my artwork has lead me to making very little progress on everything.

Originally this animation was meant to be completed on Tuesday, and as the days go on, I become increasingly uneasy from it taking so long.

HOWEVER, with all that being said, I've managed to scrape on by with continued work on the animation.  I think the artistic frustration is merely the side effect of the other issues I have been dealing with.  Every complaint I have about my artwork can be sorted out with further studies and training.

Hopefully with the holidays out of the way I can clear my mind, get in a good groove and finish up this animation.  I must stay focused!

But first i sleep.  (staying up till 4:30am is a bad idea)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crunch time!

LOOK AT THE TIME!  Next animation deadline is creeping up on me faster than I thought!

As i look at the clock I realize i have even less time than I though.  I'm trying to take what I have learned from my recent studies and trying to apply them to this animation.

Here is a single incomplete frame from early in the animation.
Tomorrow I'm set to help out with a 24 hour livestream, (friday and saturday time)  Saturday family get together thing.  Saturday Night Wii-u camp out.  If i can find a place that isn't packed already, though I've heard they wont be doing a midnight release, so we'll see what happens.  Camping is my only option on getting a Wii-U at this point. 

Long story short, free time isn't on my side.
I did, however, spend an unusually long amount of time livestream and actually learned a lot from a few talented artists!  One of them (ID) told me of this DVD set that I think could really help throw me in the right direction.

He was kind enough to show me a tiny bit of it, and I want more!  It really helped to put into perspective the ideas behind gesture drawings and the elusive action lines I was reading about the other day.

Another one I met (SiG) was telling me a bit about some really amazing comics from uhhh.. France I think he said (It's really late I'll correct this if I am wrong)
One of them that really stuck in my mind was the "Sky Doll" comic.  The colors are so vibrant and amazing!  Bright colors are no doubt something that I want to incorporate into my cartoons.

There was somebody else, but I cant seem to find her link!  I'll have to hunt through my history to dig up her name.  She had quite a few tutorials on her youtube channel that I'll have to check out.

It's always fun to learn of other artists and to learn from them, even if it's simply by observing.  There is so much wisdom and knowledge out there, it feels as though I haven't even scratched the surface.  I guess that's my advice to other artists.  Don't be afraid to look externally for help or understanding.  That was my biggest mistake before I had quit.  I didn't listen to others.  Although, now that I type I am reminded that there are in fact people that you really don't want to listen to... hmm...  I guess it's all a matter of knowing who means to help you, or hurt you.  WHICH IS ANOTHER TOPIC ENTIRELY OF ITS OWN.

But alas, as I've said before, I guess you could say it's better to learn late than never. 

OH WAIT, quick note before I end this blog.  Because of the business of this weekend, I may not have the usual studies that I have been doing.  I'll still try to update, at least with screenshots from that animation to carry you over till the next study session.

Also, here is a link to SiG's and ID's art blog:
There may be a few images that might offend some people... but it's art stuff, it's the nature of the territory. 
Thanks again for tolerating this silly dude in your streams.

Now sleep, long stream tomorrow.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More arts ARTS

I went back to edit yesterdays post with the details I originally had planned for that.
Click this link if you want to check those out:

The more I practice and study the human body, the more I feel my grasp of understanding it is getting stronger.  It was fairly weak to begin with, so being able to have learned at least a little bit is truly humbling.

My lines and shapes are becoming more precise and my eyes and hands are becoming more in sync!  I will probably continue to carry on these longer studies with this character guide for a while longer then try my hand at some more 30 second drawings.  In the future, I might up the time from 30 seconds to 45 or maybe even 60 seconds at least that way I can insure to get the proper amount of training in and that I will be able to complete the figure.  Speed is VERY important in animation (and other areas of art), so training to do things quickly and precise is definitely in my best interest. 

Todays studies:

Face studies
More Eddsworld style faces.  I originally had planned to do a different style again, but unfortunately got distracted and wasn't able to pull up the resources at the time.  I did however have a 2nd sheet of eddsworld expressions so I thought I'd give those a go.

Recently, a good friend and fellow artist Mokuu commented on with some pretty sound advice on how to approach the face.  I'll post what he said here:

"A mentor of mind hinted at remembering how the face can be squished and stretched depending on how the mouth and eyes moves.  Maybe try the extreme of it all by considering the face as some pasty play-doe you can squish and stretch as you frown and yell.  The mirror also seem to be a great tool to look cool....oh i mean for referencing your own expressions then pushing it further/exaggerating them for kicks." - Mokuu

It's definitely some sound advice and will put it into use next study session!

Face Studies:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain:
WOW is all I can say.
This book really surprised me.  Chapter 4 of the book, really put a lot of things together for me and pulled everything together.  Not only did it put together a lot of the mumbo jumbo stuff from early book, but it really put together a lot of I've heard other art people say.

I still think the first three chapters could have been severely reduced to fit in one chapter, but after reading the first portion of chapter4 I can kind of understand where the author was going.

The first official lesson!  (took bloody long enough)
The  focus of this lesson was to teach you how to switch between the left (logical) and right (artistic) side of the brain by drawing a face vase.  The image on top we were to draw a face on the left side then horizontal lines to the right then draw the vase face in reverse.  This was supposed to activate the right side of the brain.

A similar exercise was done on the 2nd image.  Only instead of a human head we were to design a monster head and basically flip it over on the other side.

I couldn't help but feel as though my skills might be a bit higher than I had origianlly given myself credit for.  This particular exercise was pretty easy, but the information I learned I can potentially apply in other areas.  I can also see how this could potentially be a game changer for people who are new to art.  I'm glad I stuck with this book, here's hoping the rest is helpful also.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More draws and book

I decided to go back and edit in my original thoughts on this post in a less tired state.

After using this figure for a while now, I can now see the importance of seeing things as shapes.  Though the proportions aren't exactly spot on, I can definitely see some improvements in my understanding of basic fundamentals.  Naturally this boosts my confidence level!

Character shapes and studies:

More character emotions.  I have an Eddsworld character emotion sheet, so I thought I would give them a try.  I'm not entirely sure of the direction I want to go with learning faces, so I'm basically trying out as many styles as I can to see similarities in basic face structure.  At the very least, it's good practice.

Face studies:
Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain:
This book...
I must admit, I'm not a big fan of it at this moment.  I'm literally three chapters in and all the autor has done is ramble on and on about the same general concepts about the differences of the left and right sides of the brain.  It's a bit frustrating, I sure hope this whole book doesnt consist of a constant reminder of the same thing she has repeated over and over...

The only thing remotely close to a lesson of ANY kind is to do these few pictures as some form of measurement to compare with your future drawings after you've read the book.
As displeased as I am with the book at this moment, I will continue to read it. There has to be a reason so many people have suggested this thing.  If it helps in the slightest I will be pleased.  (though as it stands, I feel I have learned much more in my own independent studies from this book)

Book Lessons:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Shapes, expressions and books oh my!

Through my last few drawing sessions it became apparent why exactly so many people and books often emphasize on the importance of understanding the basic shapes of characters.  The basic idea is to give us some form of foundation to being able to create realistic 3d representations of the characters in our heads that would make putting them on paper all the more important.  I was silly to have never fully grasped this concept in my younger years, but alas, better late than never.  I do recall having one particular character structure that I really liked back in the day, so I dug through my old how to draw books and drug out the old figure.  I tell ya, it was like seeing an old friend again!

I drew a few of the poses presented in the book to remember his structure, then carried off to in an attempt to put him to good use.  I took the character structure and tried to figure out the basic shapes and patterns of the figures on posemaniacs website.  It was a bit strange thinking in this... new kind of thinking...  Thinking in shapes.  But I very much like it and will more than likely incorporate it into my future studies.  I was getting the hang of things a bit so there aren't as many of these as I would have liked, but alas, another time.
Afterwards, I told myself I would shift a bit of my focus to the headular regain and didn't want to fall back on this weeks focus.  A youtube channel I like that goes by the name of "" recently just did his own little emotion thing so I thought I would pull those up and give them a try.  Having more of an anime/manga background (might go into this further in a later date) in drawing, this drawing style is almost completely foreign to me.  It provided a nice challenge.  Having vibrant facial features and expressions has always been something that I think is very important in conveying the feelings of characters.  A concept that my younger self was too afraid to fully dive into and explore.  Here's hoping older me has learned a thing or two!

Link to his video:

Lastly, I finally started reading the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards (which being ADD and Dyslexic adds a whole new challenge of its own!)  After hearing almost nothing but good things about this book from many people, I'm finally going to give it a try.  It's kind of silly because this was one of the last things I bought before giving up art for the longest time.  Almost as though I have come full circle with the will to improve!!  Huge HUGE thanks to all of my artsy friends.  Their enthusiasm towards art has really rubbed off on me and it's really helped me see things in a different light.

More sketches!

Full week of sketches!
OH MAN!  Not sure what happened yesterday, but I'll celebrate anyway!  I did quite a bit of research on drawing and stuff and learned a lot about "properly"doing gesture drawings. Along with the sycra forums, I found this one to be a good read also.

I tried to take what I learned and applied it to some of these studies.  The first few were an attempt to study the "action gesture" I believe it was called.  I feel a need to know a bit more about those before I attempt them so I didn't do very many. 

Afterwards, I did a few15 second drawings.  I tried to focus on the shapes of the shapes of the character.

Then lastly, I finished it up with the good ol 30 second drawings.

My eyes may be fooling me, but I think I am seeing small improvements in my work.  This pleases me!  Over the coming week, I plan to continue these basic studies but hone in on the head, face and hair.  Either way, I must continue my studies.  I also need to learn more about shapes.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Stumbled a bit on sketches this time around.  However, I did a lot of research on artsy dudes.
I really like this guy and various resources on his website. 
I spent a good amount of time looking through his videos.

Anyway, this is what little i got done.  More art tomorrow!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 6: 30 sec Draws!

Did some more 30 second drawings.  Schedule was a bit tight with these, but I did it!