Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013 - HuskyStarcraft Blink and Hard Drive Failure Update

They aren't sketches so I'll just submit them both as one date.
It's a fan video of a favorite starcraft2 commentator of mine Husky Starcraft.
I'll explain it a bit after the video.
In starcraft 2, there is a unit that has an ability called "Blink" which is basically a small teleport.  Someone had made a custom level in starcraft where all units have blink.  So I did a silly edit thing.  I got a kick out of it and it was fun to do.  Don't think he saw it though, but that's fine.  I enjoyed making it.

The next thing I did was that update about the hard drive failure.

It's a silly little thing.  I actually managed to finish it in a relatively short amount of time.  In about two days I'd say.  One day the audio, then the next day was the animating.  Fun fact, I always sort out my audio first for an animation.  I work out all the timing in my head.  I'm not sure if that's the "pro" way to do it, but that's just the way i have always done it.  Sometimes I'll do the audio alongside the animation, but that's only on rare instances and doesn't quite work very well with my current setup.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26, 2013 - With friends like these...

~~I edited this post a lot, I hope it still makes sense~~
These were 30 sec sketches (I think)  I was trying to work on the gesture again.  I attempted to use as few liens as possible as suggested from This Video.  At the start I found myself actually drawing them much too quickly, then i started slowing down a bit and I think I got the hang of it a little better.  I trued to do more solid lines on these, I think some of them turned out rather well.  I had a lot on my mind so i stopped pretty soon, but I'll have to do more of these in the future for sure.

I had the entire night set aside for art, but instead I found myself in a rather peculiar situation of defending well...  everything that I do(?)  I can tell ya, being an introvert artist in a largely non-artistic extrovert world can really take it's toll on a guy.  I've been trolled and insulted enough by random folks to brush it off as people just being silly, but when the person attacking you is a long time friend, it feels as though it's an entirely different beast. 

There will be these people that simply just don't understand an artists way of life.  An old friend once told me "Smile and nod, smile and nod."  And that's the best thing to do in a situation like this.  Let your actions speak for you.  When you finally achieve your dream it will be all the sweeter to just lean over and smile at them.  A lot of people will try to push their lives on you.  They will try to shape your life into what they think it should be.  You just gotta stay true to yourself.  Know what it is that makes YOU happy, and stick with that.  Don't let somebody else guilt trip you into thinking that they know what's best for you.  Especially if you are perfectly happy with who you are now.  This doesn't necessarily mean to shut them out completely, but just take it with a grain of salt.  If it happens to often, however, that's a different story.  I had more to say, but it's really late...

It's late, I'm tired.
I don't say this often, but I had a pretty bitter week.
Cheers to a better tomorrow!

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 25, 2013

A few I did.
The focused seemed to shift between each of them.

I've had quite a bit on my mind and it's made it a bit difficult to focus on what exactly to draw.  I am kind of learning what works for me and what doesnt.  I did, however, learn a rather interesting lesson.  Though all of my research and studies, these techniques are usually presented in this order "gesture, forms, contour, then something else I cant quite remember if there is a 4th.

With that being said, I always kind of had the idea that I had to absolutely master one before moving on to the next, which always felt a bit like a burden to hurry up and learn one thing so I can learn the next.  While it didn't completely wreck my mood, it did kind of damper things a bit seeing that i clearly didn't fully understand gestures before i moved onto form or tried to dabble in with colors earlier in the blog, or any other little thing i have done.

Then It just hit me...  That's not the way it works!  Many artists have said that things like gesture, form, contour, etc, take a very long time to fully understand!  There is no simple "Learn this before that" technique.  This realization really lifted the mood because lately I feel that I have really been grasping the understanding of forms while I still feel that I am lacking in the gesture department, and even more so lacking in the action line department.

I am learning things at my own pace.  Sphere forms are a bit easier for me to grasp than box forms or gesture lines.  BUT NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE "SIMPLE CONCEPTS"  Well, perhaps they are a bit simple, but fully learning these wont come over night.  I don't know why but that was kind of a big awakening moment for me.  I will need to remember this when moving forward.  I constantly remember what vilppu always says "these are tools not rules."  A portion of me wants to just ditch these tools and deem broken or to change them up a bit to make them easier for me to grasp but...  I now see the importance of learning to use them the way they are before i do any major changes to them.  I know I can learn to use them, just takes time.  One step at a time, slow and steady progress.  Next time I hope to have a bit more focused now that this whole Hard Drive issue has been laid to rest...

Hard Drive Update:
It appears that the content in it is lost...  at least for now.  Geek Squad seems to be my only option, or the only option that I trust to get the files back.  The extremely hefty price tag of $500 - $1600 is...  impossible... for the time being.  And will more than likely not be a impossibility for some time...  So I'm setting the drives in storage to one day hope to recover them.

In the meantime, yesterday I went and picked myself up a new hard drive.  I took the raid out and threw in the new drive.  I went a bit out on this hard drive, I know space has always been an issue for me so I just bit my lip and picked up a 3TB hard drive.  Admittedly, my recent issues with hard drives has made me a bit nervous to put any new content on the thing for fear of failing...  But whatever, what are ya gonna do ya know?  I am looking in to possible backup options for this 3TB drive but I'm just being a bit paranoid.  Funds are a bit rubbish at the moment so I don't have a lot of options.  I've began the slow process of redownloading what I can, this could take a while.  Sense my last organization method went so swell, I'm attempting a refined version of that for this new drive.

But anyway, that's not what this blog is about!  More arts tomorrow!  Tomorrow I will focus on focus!  Focus on focus...  lol XD

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 23, 2013 - Naga, and Vilppu Chapter 3? Box Forms.


Nagas are kind of great.  I did these tonight after another day of doing research on how to recover lost hard drive data.

I wanted to finish chapter 3 of vilppu today... however, it turns out the vilppu videos were on my drive that failed...  Here is what I completed from chapter 3.
Looking at these, I remember doing a lot more than this.  Maybe I didn't save correctly or something, I dunno.  But this is what was in my chapter 3 file.  So I suppose no Vilppu training for a while till i can figure a way to get ahold of the videos again.  I'm pretty sure I have them copied over somewhere, but I dont feel like looking for files at the moment.

Small blog, not a lot done.  But anything is progress.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013 - Centaurs, Harpies, Slimes, NumberMan, and Failed RAID!

Centaurs...  I don't think I've ever drawn horses before, or many animals for that matter.  This was an interesting one.

 I used reference for the horses of-coruse, but I tried to give the human half a shot without reference.  Not bad I must say.

Harpies again.

Wasn't happy with the poses i chose last time, so I tried something a little more actiony.  Again, no reference for these, I'm trying to push what I already know.

Slime Rosalina and Slime Batman...?
Iunno, but it was the next thing so why not.

And NumberMan.exe
Deal with it bro, deal with it.

Also, my hard drive failed.  I lost all of my sound effects, video game music, reference images, and countless audio mixes, animation files, and animation scripts and ideas that I've created over the past 6 or so years.  I will forever try to not remember what I had on there, it will only upset me even more.  Almost 1TB of stuff....   This gif just about sums up the feeling.
It's not every day you lose a portion of your life's work.

The chances of recovering anything are very VERY slim it seems.  The stupid thing was a Raid 0.  I wish I knew more about it before accepting to do it...  If anything, I should have done  Raid 1....

But whatever... can't live in the past, gotta keep moving.
Thankfully though, my inability to stay organized actually payed in my favor for once!  Had I fully been organized I would have lost everything, but thanks to my messy nature I still have tons of stuff copied over across freakin everything.  so...  yaye?

Fate would have it that my most successful attempt at organization fails in the worst possible way.

BUT THOUGH, I suppose the silver lining is that all of my PC games, and Steam are gone now(?).  So less art distractions *nervous laugh*

Let me stop, i'm just ranting now.
Better days to come.
Stay focused doggy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 21,2013 - Monster Girl Challenge?

So, I ran into this "Monster Girl Challenge" a while back and thought it sounded interesting.
I had planned on starting it one day, but I guess I ended up starting it now... maybe?  I'm not sure if i will officially start it, but I think it could be a fun way to explore character design and such.  After a rough night of fighting with my computer.  I just wanted to try something a little different.

Either way, the first one was Harpy.

I think I'll try doing both the male and female of each type of monster thing.  This way I can learn more the differences in the figures and still play around with stuff.  These didnt turn out half bad at all.  I didn't use any reference, though i probably should have, even still, not bad.

I'll rant about my computer problems another time...  but it's looking like i will need to buy a new hard drive. owawoaoowao.  I am currently on my Laptop.  I really don't want to use this laptop more than I have to, but it looks like I will need to, at least for the time being.

The full monster girl list thing if anybody is interested.
30 Day Monster Girl Challenge
1. Harpy
2. Centaur
3. Slime
4. Naga
5. Mermaid
6. Spider Girl
7. Plant Girl
8. Octomaid
9. Demon
10. Succubus
11. True Monster
12. Zombie
13. Insect Girl
14. Dullahan
15. Dragon/Reptile Girl
16. Ghost
17. Robot
18. Alien
19. Cyclops
20. Satyr
21. Canine Girl
22. Feline Girl
23. Yōkai
24. Multiple Limbs
25. Favorite Monster Girl
26. Favorite Monster Girl Character
27. A Truly Gruesome Girl
28. A Group of Monster Girls Together
29. A Monster Girl and Her Significant Other
30. Celebrate Monster Girls!

You're supposed to do one a day, but I think i might break that rule. We'll see.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 20, 2013

Why is it that I always find myself wanting to draw and keep drawing when it's super late and I'm getting sleepy!?

It's kind of annoying.  Maybe I could make extra effort to start earlier?  Hmm... I don't know.   I'm working on too many other things at the moment.  The next few weeks I will be working on clearing off the plate a bit.  After a few of those projects are done I will focus more time into drawing and animating.  I know I really shouldn't be putting this aside, especially seeing that put it aside for all those years and I need to pounce on opportunities like this as often as I can get...  But...  I think my mind and heart are in the right place now.  I have grown a lot since my last huge art block.

As long as I keep working on it as much as I can in between projects, I should be good.

and the sketches.
These were non timed studies.   Though if i had to guess i'd say each was about 10 - 20ish minutes.
The first two, however, had no reference and were done relatively quickly.

Keep with it doggyman, you're doing good.

Thanks me.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 17, 2013

more 1 min sketches.

Wasnt super happy with the reference given for these.  I used http://www.quickposes.com/pages/challenges again. This time I tried the "warrior" catagory, and it kept giving me the same guy in this dress thing...  Legs have always been a hard one for me, and having them hidden behind a skirt thing didnt really help.  However, with that being said, I don't think I did half bad.  More tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 16, 2013

Pulled up a figure drawing site, took the pose and tried to stylize it a bit.
too late, so sleepy.  I didn't want to go anothr day without doing a thing, so pardon the small entry.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 15, 2013

Was able to draw a few of these when uploading a video.
They are timed 1 min each, all sitting poses.

I was in an interesting groove this entire drawing session.  Like I was just on.  It was a very interesting feeling, I rather enjoyed it.  Website used http://www.quickposes.com/

July 14, 2013 - Animation NCS Get's Around

FINALLY finished an animation I literally started months ago.
Granted, I didn't work on it for all those months but...   More after the animation.  Enjoy :D!

Like I said, I started this animation a long time ago.  I started it before I even made this blog I believe.  I'm saying around Dec. 27, 2011.  That date in particular because I started this shortly after I saw the source material, which was dec 27.  I just kept getting attacked by that little voice in the back of my head that kept nagging at me telling me that my work isn't good enough and that I'll never finish it, etc.  Every time I had picked it up I would only set it down again only to let it collect dust even more.

Well, a lot has changed since I started this thing, so I decided to pay this old animation a visit.  I was able to sit down and complete the thing within two days.  I finally finished it and, for the most part, everyone seems to enjoy it!  It was about half complete, but I got hung up on it for so many silly little reasons.

Part of me wants to smack myself for not being able to conquer such silly little obstacles in the past....  but instead...  I think I'll pat myself on the back for being able to conquer them now.  It's all about forward thinking, and forward progress.  Here's hoping what I learned will help me in my next animation/project.

July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013
Did these a few nights back.
I started out in photoshop, just some random things.
 I dont know what the heck was going on here actually xD.
The thing on the bottom was just random markings i made to test the lag of my tablet, then a friend said it looked like a mustache baby with a pacifier so I drew in the rest XD

Then I migrated to flash to do some quick sketch gestures.
 I wasn't happy at all with these when I drew them.  A friend was being silly and I had a lot on my mind.  so i decided to slow down and focus a bit more on what I was doing and not be so fast with the drawings.
I did a two figures, then wanted to try doing the figure in box form.  While I still think I'm not that great at box forms, that one turned out alright.  Alright by the standard of a complete newb at least haha...
Then Mr. Higsby and Gutsman showed up XD

After I did these last few, I looked back at the quick gestures I did from before and they didn't turn out near as bad as i thought they were while i was making them.  Understandably I did have a lot on my mind and really hadn't planned on drawing that night.  But I need to learn how to shut out that annoying little "you are not doing good enough" voice.  I have come a long way, and have shoved that little voice out of the way may times since I started doing these.  Perhaps one day it will nolonger be an issue.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 8, 2013

5 min sketches.

I noticed an interesting thing when drawing tonight.  It really takes a moment before I really start to let loose.  I don't know exactly how to explain it, but when I first start I'm a bit stiffer with my lines.  I noticed the switch between stiff and loose around the middle drawing.  It feels as though when that happens, my brain has a minor reset then really has a new kind of flow to it.  I really need to get this flow going when it isnt so late.  And I need to keep up my daily studies.   This study every 3 or 4 days isn't good.

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4, 2013

Did a little.  not bad actually.

OH AND THE BLUE AND RED LINES!!  There's a reason those are there, I dont know if i ever said what I was doing with those.  Basically, I'm doing the blue gesture line first, then going over it with red form lines.  So that's what's going on with those.  I should probably do that with box forms... oh lordy the box forms....  I should do that vilppu chapter tomorrow and get to those studies.  There's no reason i should have taken this long to finish that.  I'll never learn it if I never do it.

More training.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 3, 2013 - Old Sketchbooks

The other day I dug up my old sketch books.  They ranged from 8th grade - 12th.  It was very interesting to look back on the old stuff.  I can definitely see areas that I have improved.  Especially since 8th grade.  But the further I got into the sketch books, the better I became.  By the time I got to my 12th grade book I was very impressed with how good I was.  I became very upset that I had ever quit.  I would be in a completely different boat than I am now if I had continued down that path.  I really had to take a step back and look at the situation from afar. 

No matter how frustrated I become of my decisions, nothing can change how things played out in the past, but I have every opportunity to shape my future.  I must remind myself, sitting around feeling sorry for myself is the reason why I am where I am in the first place.  Doing so again will do me no good.

So I took a moment to think about things.  I remembered everything I've learned within the past few months.  Understanding of line, form, shapes, etc.  I didn't understand these things back then.  I didn't understand proper studies.  I didn't even have the mind to sit down and practice.  Especially the understanding of form.  That's kind of a big deal!!  at least for me.

Tomorrow I'll have to make extra time to practice.
Live has been a little busy, so i cant beat myself up too much, but I know I can do more.

But I had done a little, not a lot, but here's something.
I'm trying to learn to draw luigi for the thumbnail of my New Super Luigi U videos.  I'm not exactly sure which style I want for him so I'm trying out a few that I think might be good.  (these were from July 2nd)
 I kind of like the one to the bottom left, I might actually run with that one.

I had a bit o free time tonight and didn't want to go to bed without doing a thing... 
So here is Sir Sir Daniel.
Double sir, because yes.

Monday, July 1, 2013

1000 gestures/drawings?

I was watching some videos from http://ctrlpaint.com/ and the guy in the video had said something about an assignment he did in college that was 1000 gesture drawings in a week.  He talked a bit on how just about everybody in his class was able to complete the assignment.  Then the thought crossed my mind...  Have I even done 1000 drawings since I started this blog?  Naturally I felt a bit ashamed that perhaps I  hadn't even done that many gesture/drawings since I started this thing, and it's been months.  So I decided to go through my art folder and count all my gestures/figures/everything i have done.

With little faith that I had even come close to 1000, I began counting.  The numbers quickly rose to 100, 300, 600.  I must admit I was taken aback a bit by the time I hit 800s...  And to my surprise, by December 1st 2012, I had hit 1000.   whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

So I kept counting.  The numbers kept rolling past, it was crazy!  It took a bit, but I finally got my end number.  (granted I did slip up a time or two when counting, but anything i've done outside of this website should sort things out.)

My end number was...

O.O  More than double what I didn't even thing I had reached!  All improvements aside, that alone was enough to put a smile on my face!  Then of-course seeing how my understanding of the human figure has improved exponentially!!  I feel so empowered!  Like I actually want to try the 1000 gestures in one week thing.

HECK I want to more than double my current 2131 number of sketches/gestures/drawings!!!   mmmm....  well...  I will probably never count all of my drawings again like this, the number is irrelevant, but it's the progress I have come.  Everything I have learned.  I'm looking forward to my studies even more than before!  I welcome the future with open arms. 

Just the things i can do if i set my mind to it.  Pretty intense stuff.

and uhh... he has tails now.

More training!