Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26, 2013 - With friends like these...

~~I edited this post a lot, I hope it still makes sense~~
These were 30 sec sketches (I think)  I was trying to work on the gesture again.  I attempted to use as few liens as possible as suggested from This Video.  At the start I found myself actually drawing them much too quickly, then i started slowing down a bit and I think I got the hang of it a little better.  I trued to do more solid lines on these, I think some of them turned out rather well.  I had a lot on my mind so i stopped pretty soon, but I'll have to do more of these in the future for sure.

I had the entire night set aside for art, but instead I found myself in a rather peculiar situation of defending well...  everything that I do(?)  I can tell ya, being an introvert artist in a largely non-artistic extrovert world can really take it's toll on a guy.  I've been trolled and insulted enough by random folks to brush it off as people just being silly, but when the person attacking you is a long time friend, it feels as though it's an entirely different beast. 

There will be these people that simply just don't understand an artists way of life.  An old friend once told me "Smile and nod, smile and nod."  And that's the best thing to do in a situation like this.  Let your actions speak for you.  When you finally achieve your dream it will be all the sweeter to just lean over and smile at them.  A lot of people will try to push their lives on you.  They will try to shape your life into what they think it should be.  You just gotta stay true to yourself.  Know what it is that makes YOU happy, and stick with that.  Don't let somebody else guilt trip you into thinking that they know what's best for you.  Especially if you are perfectly happy with who you are now.  This doesn't necessarily mean to shut them out completely, but just take it with a grain of salt.  If it happens to often, however, that's a different story.  I had more to say, but it's really late...

It's late, I'm tired.
I don't say this often, but I had a pretty bitter week.
Cheers to a better tomorrow!

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