Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013
Did these a few nights back.
I started out in photoshop, just some random things.
 I dont know what the heck was going on here actually xD.
The thing on the bottom was just random markings i made to test the lag of my tablet, then a friend said it looked like a mustache baby with a pacifier so I drew in the rest XD

Then I migrated to flash to do some quick sketch gestures.
 I wasn't happy at all with these when I drew them.  A friend was being silly and I had a lot on my mind.  so i decided to slow down and focus a bit more on what I was doing and not be so fast with the drawings.
I did a two figures, then wanted to try doing the figure in box form.  While I still think I'm not that great at box forms, that one turned out alright.  Alright by the standard of a complete newb at least haha...
Then Mr. Higsby and Gutsman showed up XD

After I did these last few, I looked back at the quick gestures I did from before and they didn't turn out near as bad as i thought they were while i was making them.  Understandably I did have a lot on my mind and really hadn't planned on drawing that night.  But I need to learn how to shut out that annoying little "you are not doing good enough" voice.  I have come a long way, and have shoved that little voice out of the way may times since I started doing these.  Perhaps one day it will nolonger be an issue.

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