Monday, July 22, 2013

July 21,2013 - Monster Girl Challenge?

So, I ran into this "Monster Girl Challenge" a while back and thought it sounded interesting.
I had planned on starting it one day, but I guess I ended up starting it now... maybe?  I'm not sure if i will officially start it, but I think it could be a fun way to explore character design and such.  After a rough night of fighting with my computer.  I just wanted to try something a little different.

Either way, the first one was Harpy.

I think I'll try doing both the male and female of each type of monster thing.  This way I can learn more the differences in the figures and still play around with stuff.  These didnt turn out half bad at all.  I didn't use any reference, though i probably should have, even still, not bad.

I'll rant about my computer problems another time...  but it's looking like i will need to buy a new hard drive. owawoaoowao.  I am currently on my Laptop.  I really don't want to use this laptop more than I have to, but it looks like I will need to, at least for the time being.

The full monster girl list thing if anybody is interested.
30 Day Monster Girl Challenge
1. Harpy
2. Centaur
3. Slime
4. Naga
5. Mermaid
6. Spider Girl
7. Plant Girl
8. Octomaid
9. Demon
10. Succubus
11. True Monster
12. Zombie
13. Insect Girl
14. Dullahan
15. Dragon/Reptile Girl
16. Ghost
17. Robot
18. Alien
19. Cyclops
20. Satyr
21. Canine Girl
22. Feline Girl
23. Yōkai
24. Multiple Limbs
25. Favorite Monster Girl
26. Favorite Monster Girl Character
27. A Truly Gruesome Girl
28. A Group of Monster Girls Together
29. A Monster Girl and Her Significant Other
30. Celebrate Monster Girls!

You're supposed to do one a day, but I think i might break that rule. We'll see.

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