Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013 - HuskyStarcraft Blink and Hard Drive Failure Update

They aren't sketches so I'll just submit them both as one date.
It's a fan video of a favorite starcraft2 commentator of mine Husky Starcraft.
I'll explain it a bit after the video.
In starcraft 2, there is a unit that has an ability called "Blink" which is basically a small teleport.  Someone had made a custom level in starcraft where all units have blink.  So I did a silly edit thing.  I got a kick out of it and it was fun to do.  Don't think he saw it though, but that's fine.  I enjoyed making it.

The next thing I did was that update about the hard drive failure.

It's a silly little thing.  I actually managed to finish it in a relatively short amount of time.  In about two days I'd say.  One day the audio, then the next day was the animating.  Fun fact, I always sort out my audio first for an animation.  I work out all the timing in my head.  I'm not sure if that's the "pro" way to do it, but that's just the way i have always done it.  Sometimes I'll do the audio alongside the animation, but that's only on rare instances and doesn't quite work very well with my current setup.

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