Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 14, 2013 - Animation NCS Get's Around

FINALLY finished an animation I literally started months ago.
Granted, I didn't work on it for all those months but...   More after the animation.  Enjoy :D!

Like I said, I started this animation a long time ago.  I started it before I even made this blog I believe.  I'm saying around Dec. 27, 2011.  That date in particular because I started this shortly after I saw the source material, which was dec 27.  I just kept getting attacked by that little voice in the back of my head that kept nagging at me telling me that my work isn't good enough and that I'll never finish it, etc.  Every time I had picked it up I would only set it down again only to let it collect dust even more.

Well, a lot has changed since I started this thing, so I decided to pay this old animation a visit.  I was able to sit down and complete the thing within two days.  I finally finished it and, for the most part, everyone seems to enjoy it!  It was about half complete, but I got hung up on it for so many silly little reasons.

Part of me wants to smack myself for not being able to conquer such silly little obstacles in the past....  but instead...  I think I'll pat myself on the back for being able to conquer them now.  It's all about forward thinking, and forward progress.  Here's hoping what I learned will help me in my next animation/project.

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