Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 3, 2013 - Old Sketchbooks

The other day I dug up my old sketch books.  They ranged from 8th grade - 12th.  It was very interesting to look back on the old stuff.  I can definitely see areas that I have improved.  Especially since 8th grade.  But the further I got into the sketch books, the better I became.  By the time I got to my 12th grade book I was very impressed with how good I was.  I became very upset that I had ever quit.  I would be in a completely different boat than I am now if I had continued down that path.  I really had to take a step back and look at the situation from afar. 

No matter how frustrated I become of my decisions, nothing can change how things played out in the past, but I have every opportunity to shape my future.  I must remind myself, sitting around feeling sorry for myself is the reason why I am where I am in the first place.  Doing so again will do me no good.

So I took a moment to think about things.  I remembered everything I've learned within the past few months.  Understanding of line, form, shapes, etc.  I didn't understand these things back then.  I didn't understand proper studies.  I didn't even have the mind to sit down and practice.  Especially the understanding of form.  That's kind of a big deal!!  at least for me.

Tomorrow I'll have to make extra time to practice.
Live has been a little busy, so i cant beat myself up too much, but I know I can do more.

But I had done a little, not a lot, but here's something.
I'm trying to learn to draw luigi for the thumbnail of my New Super Luigi U videos.  I'm not exactly sure which style I want for him so I'm trying out a few that I think might be good.  (these were from July 2nd)
 I kind of like the one to the bottom left, I might actually run with that one.

I had a bit o free time tonight and didn't want to go to bed without doing a thing... 
So here is Sir Sir Daniel.
Double sir, because yes.

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