Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013 - Centaurs, Harpies, Slimes, NumberMan, and Failed RAID!

Centaurs...  I don't think I've ever drawn horses before, or many animals for that matter.  This was an interesting one.

 I used reference for the horses of-coruse, but I tried to give the human half a shot without reference.  Not bad I must say.

Harpies again.

Wasn't happy with the poses i chose last time, so I tried something a little more actiony.  Again, no reference for these, I'm trying to push what I already know.

Slime Rosalina and Slime Batman...?
Iunno, but it was the next thing so why not.

And NumberMan.exe
Deal with it bro, deal with it.

Also, my hard drive failed.  I lost all of my sound effects, video game music, reference images, and countless audio mixes, animation files, and animation scripts and ideas that I've created over the past 6 or so years.  I will forever try to not remember what I had on there, it will only upset me even more.  Almost 1TB of stuff....   This gif just about sums up the feeling.
It's not every day you lose a portion of your life's work.

The chances of recovering anything are very VERY slim it seems.  The stupid thing was a Raid 0.  I wish I knew more about it before accepting to do it...  If anything, I should have done  Raid 1....

But whatever... can't live in the past, gotta keep moving.
Thankfully though, my inability to stay organized actually payed in my favor for once!  Had I fully been organized I would have lost everything, but thanks to my messy nature I still have tons of stuff copied over across freakin everything.  so...  yaye?

Fate would have it that my most successful attempt at organization fails in the worst possible way.

BUT THOUGH, I suppose the silver lining is that all of my PC games, and Steam are gone now(?).  So less art distractions *nervous laugh*

Let me stop, i'm just ranting now.
Better days to come.
Stay focused doggy.

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