Friday, December 18, 2015

Pokemon Challenge Budew #406

Used a little randomizer and got Budew.
What a strange little pokemon.
Made this one a little stumpier to more reflect the pokemon.  Kinda like how it turned out.

Pokemon Challenge Metapod #11

wtf is even a metapod.
Of all the original pokemon this is probably the first one that had me scratching my head.
I dont even know the... I ...  nope.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Satoru Iwata, Confronting the Past, and TotalBiscuit

Last update has been some time ago!  I should probably do a thing.  so yea, let's do a thing.

Let's start the thing by giving a bit of an update.  Where's the blogs?  THE ARTS!?

I've been going through a lot.  I took an emotional hit with the recent loss of Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata.  I had so much respect for that man.  He was the perfect example of how hard work can pay off.  The way he presented himself as the leader of one of the biggest video game companies was admirable, and has always been somewhat of an eye opener for myself that you don't have to become a robot when you find yourself in I higher position.  That it's ok to still allow yourself and your personality to shine through despite your position of importance.  You dont have to sacrifice yourself to play the role you were intended to play.  While he may nolonger be around, his lessons will be remembered.  Thank you Iwata.

As for confronting my past.

It's hard to really put this into words, but it's been a huge hindrance and has lead to why I have always felt "not worthy" or just not "good enough"  For me, looking into my past never leads to anything positive.  I have avoided many of these topics...  at least until recently.  I think the time has come for me to finally confront these now...  I'll try to explain the best i can.

When I was a kid, in terms of the family hierarchy, I was always on the bottom.  It was never a situation where I was left without food or clothes.  The parent's always did a great job and ensuring all of our needs were met, even considering how little money we had growing up.  Even in my creative endeavors there was always enough there for me to express myself creatively.  And that's where my troubles come in.  I was never the "star child"  My creativity was always acknowledged but never really praised or encouraged.  Everything, everywhere, was always about somebody else.  I was always 2nd class to my brother.  Everything he did would turn heads and spark conversation where on the other hand it felt like I was lucky to even receive a "good job" or "that's nice"  and This made me idolize my brother.  He was the cool awesome brother that did all the amazing things and everybody loved him.   I dont even know exactly how to put into words just how much I looked up to my brother.  I literally wanted to be exactly like him. 

Our relationship on the other hand?  Well.  Let's just say it was very much your typical "big brother's always right" relationship.  He was always bigger, better, faster, and stronger than me.  And he would never hesitate to remind me of that.  I was the dumb little brother.  unimportant.  This isn't to say that our entire relationship was terrible.  We had plenty of good times playing and exploring.  To my brothers credit, I never recall him outright insulting me for the sake of insulting.  On the other hand, was always some form of mocking or belittling remarks that always seemed to happen.  Which I suppose it is what it is.  We were kids back then and it's hard to really hold anything against someone for the way they acted when they were little.  It is what it is I suppose. 

It wasn't until about 2nd grade that I finally met someone that truly respected me for who I was and legitimately enjoyed what I brought to the table.  It was a friendship that lasted many years where I was able to freely and openly share ideas.  But with things being far from perfect at home, and things progressively getting worse at home.  It was just too much.  And I think I began to honestly believe that I really wasn't good enough.  And despite all the mocking and ridicule, I still very much looked up to my brother as the beacon of what I wanted to be.  He was the star athlete in his class, he had all the cool friends, he had all the attention at home.  He was IT. 

Skipping forward a bit past 2 big deaths in the family, the brother gets involved with his first long term girlfriend and it honestly felt like he abandoned mom and I.  It honestly felt as though we had 3 major deaths in the family as rarely as we saw him.  And boy did that do a number on me as a kid.  These feelings of not being good enough only solidified and I just began to keep things to myself.  It's a wonder that i even managed to still create things at this point, but I still did somehow.  But it never felt good enough.  My stories were never important.  etc etc etc.  And this is just generally a mentality that I carried with me for many many years.  Feeling that what I brought to the table just wasn't important.  Everybody else became more important than myself.

I don't have any issue with how I carried myself during these times, and I wouldn't change anything in this era even if I could.  I helped a lot of people with their own troubles and am very happy to have been able to do so.  But even still, everything my brother does is just MORE important.  Even to the point where some of my friends would almost forget I was in the room when he was around.  True he wasn't around as often, but he always turned heads.  Me and my creations were never good enough.  It's hard to talk any more about this trend that still continues till this day.  The entire world freezes for him where mine just kinda...  exists off in the distance.

Then I started this whole youtube thing.  It might very well be one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  It might even be a life saving decision.  Because I tell ya man.  It's been one heck of a journey.  While things have kinda soured a bit since this was uploaded, this video sums up what took years, and literally thousands of people for me to finally realize...

I've been facing the past.  I've been facing THAT past.  The thing that I never wanted to face.  The thing that I never wanted to see the light of day.  The thing that I just wanted to just tuck away in the basement and not have to think about again.  Turns out that if you're trying to improve yourself as an artist, it doesn't help when you've got years of negative conflicting and confusing emotions locked away in silly places.

I would have never been able to make it to this point had it not been for the people that have had faith in me all these years.  There's a little part of me that really wishes I had come to this realization much sooner, but I dunno.  Maybe I wasn't ready or something.

Either way, I think this was an important step.  Finally getting this all out.  Getting it all out of my system.  I'm in a much better place now to finally address this.  and finally move forward. 

There's a bit more I want to talk about in this topic, but I think that's all for now.  I've been typing this post for the past week, and nothing has been so emotionally draining haha.  On an important note,  our family is not in some kind of crazy turmoil.  We all very much care for each other and only want whats best for one another.  Growing up a bit has really helped a lot.  But I'm just ready to move forward.

Totalbiscuit, somebody I really look up to as somewhat of a role model, perhaps not so much in what he does but moreso the honor he holds for doing the right thing.  Total biscuit is a highly respected game critic advocate for consumer rights in the gaming market.  Well, Totalbiscuit had been battling cancer for the past year or so and was finally in remissions.  But things took a turn for the worst...  I'll just copy paste his twitter post here.
"Well, I don't know if there is really a right way to tell people this, so I guess here goes. The CT did not come back negative. The cancer in the bowel is gone, but spots have appeared in my liver. They're not operable and there's no cure. Average life expectancy is 2-3 years, though there are outliers that live much longer. I'll be back on chemo in a few weeks, with the goal of pushing it back and keeping it there for as long as possible. I fully intend to be the outlier, the average is this way because most people that get this are old and not strong anymore. Who knows what they'll come up with in the next decade? I intend to beat it for as long as possible. Gonna need some time to process all of this. I don't really feel anything right now. Thanks."

And this happened smack dab in the middle of the whole addressing the past thing.  It's a hard thing to come to grips with.  Knowing that somebody you have so much respect for only has a few years left to live.  But like he said, maybe he will have a bit longer.  Here's hoping man.  I send all the best wishes your way TB.

At the very least...
At least I was somehow able to get one him to see a Totalbiscuit and Jesse Cox fan animations I did for them a few years back, which till this day is my most viewed animation.

Maybe when i get all this sorted out I can do more of these for them.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Lost an old friend

Lost an old highschool friend today.
We weren't the closest of friends but he was a pretty swell dude and we always got along.  Death is always an interesting topic to talk about.  You never really expect it to hit you haven't been taking this one too well for some reason.  The guy was a few years younger than myself and I think I'm feeling the same thing I felt when the internet lost Eddsworld some years back.  That they had so much to live for.  The whole survivors guilt thing always creeps into my mind.  These people had their lives together and their entire futures were ahead of them.  Yet here I am scrambling around to make ends meet not entirely sure where I want to take things.

I dunno.  Maybe it's just that it happened so soon after the loss of Iwata.  Things may not be the best right now, but I've got to continue.  Gotta keep up my training!  If not for me, then for the people that have had their lives unfortunately cut short

R.I.P.  JJ


Pokemon Challenge Caterpie #10


Got hung up on this one.  Wasn't sure exactly how "monstery" I want these characters to be.  If I wanted them to look more like cosplay or actual monster.  I ended up going with the more monstery option.  They're more fun to me.  In the end it doesnt matter because the entire purpose of this challenge is to draw more.  SO BAM!  Might change later but as i say it doesnt matter too much.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sketches, Health issues, & Future Plans


Sketches sketches sketches!

Did a few sketches, I really need to put some more time into proper anatomy and figuring out how the entire body works together.  The above sketches were done to just kinda gage where I am currently on working from memory.  I think generally speaking I have a pretty solid idea on the basic shapes of the body.  Not a solid understanding of forms just yet, but I imagine it will come in time.

I did a few of these untimed sketches because i hadn't done any in a while.  For some reason I just wasn't feeling it tonight, which kinda beings me into the next topic of Health Issues.

I've been struggling a bit with low blood pressure is past week.  It tends to become a problem when the weather warms up during the summer but since we've had a relatively cool summer (at least compared to other years) I forgot this was even an issue i have.  I spent a good majority of the week wondering why I've felt exhausted almost nonstop, almost feeling like there is something more that I was doing wrong and questioning what was going on.  It really took a bit of a toll on me.  After I finally remembered low blood pressure was a thing it kinda put things at ease for a bit.  While I've talked about this several times in the past on this blog, I'd like to just reiterate how important it is to have an understanding of your physical and mental health.  It can truly save yourself a lot of stress down the line if you are unable to perform at your best.  Mental and physical health play a very important part of all this art stuff.  Just gotta keep that in mind.

NOW with all that being said, I do still feel that there is more I can be doing.  This week I will try to jump back into some of my old study/training habits while poking around to learn a few new techniques.  I'm not gonna beat myself up if I dont achieve this goal, considering my situation and my terribly low stamina levels, but like i said.  I think I can be doing more.  At least more than this week.

We'll see what happens though.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Pokemon Challenge Blastoise #9


Wasnt feeling it this time around.  There's a number of things goofy with this one but i dunno.  I'm just more excited to get out of the "starter pokemon" bracket haha XD

I will absolutely be revisiting this one one day, but for not it's fine.  :3  At least I didn't miss the day.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Vilppu Chapter 6

Finally finished vilppu chapter 6

Every time I finish a vilppu study it honest feels that I have learned so much from his lessons.  Yet there is always some kind of psychological thing that that seems to keep me away from seeking out more of his studies or even other tutorials.  I dont know what it is exactly, and I'm pretty sure i've said these exact words every time I pose a vilppu study thing...  But I dont know.  it is an odd feeling.  I always feel at my best when I'm learning new things, but there's some kind of fear holding me back from doing more.  hmmm...  The "fear of success" that I did that one blog entry about.  double hmm...  I need to combat this.  but the only way to combat it is to JUST DO IT!

My  next two vilppu lessons are about Anatomy.  Something I've desperately needed to learn.  It should be a great starting point for anatomy.  After that I miiiiiiiiiight put vilppu lessons on hold for a bit and really dive more into animation lessons.  The amount that I've learned from this guy is insane, but it is only scratching the surface.

Either way, need to make more of an effort to do tutorials and learn more.  JUST DO MORE!  OAWOWOOAAWO!


Pokemon Challenge Wartortle #8


What an odd pokemon.  Never been a huge fan of Wartortle.  It was always just a bit odd to me.  I can respect em though.  <3

With this design I tried a pose from memory and no reference again.  Again I'm pretty surprised with how it turned out.  Not without it's flaws of-course but that's nothing that future studies cant fix.  I had noticed a habit of mine to place the torso in a forward 2/3rds rotation sometimes facing upward a bit.  This time I tried changing it up a bit by having her face left and facing down just a little.  Not too bad.  I also think that I'm getting a better understanding on how legs work.  For the longest time they were a mystery to me but now after many hours of studying them I think i finally understand them a bit.

I want to talk more about health and stuff but im actually really tired so i'll do it next time xP

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pokemon Challenge Squirtle #7

I kept getting hung up on this one for a number of reasons but for some reason i got hung up on the head the most.  I need to not do that, dont get hung up ahh just do it!!  Sitting around being confused is worse than just moving on.  Always move on.  Always keep moving.  Always keep training.  Also turn off distractions.  Need to take my own advice.  It's ok though.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Pokemon Challenge Meowstic #678

This one was a little interesting.  Again, i chose the random pokemon thing and got Meowstic.  At first I was really intimidated about taking on this character.  Not exactly sure why.  I noticed i have a bit of trouble trying to draw characters I really like.  I can't quite understand it, but it is a hurdle none the less.  A hurdle that I think I smashed this time around!  I kept working with her proportions and tweaking things till I got things looking decent.  On the pose, I decided to just go with the same pose as Meowstic.  I wanted to see if I could get the human form in that pose without any additional reference.  Think I did pretty good and feel genuinely proud of this one. 

It's starting to feel like all those studies I've been doing are really paying off.  At least in a small way.  I'll have to return to more rigorous studies.  I'm starting to really crave the knowledge.  and this excites me.  I need to dive into a hefty bowl of tutorials and go nuts!


Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19, 2015 - HUGE Blog update Notice

Finally getting around to updating this blog.  Things have been pretty quiet around here but that doesn't mean i haven't been drawing!  I will be using the blog's schedule thing to post things on the correct date. so anything after April 7, 2015 to this date was put in just recently.  I may not remember all the details on the particular studies so pardon the absence of info on some.


Tons of new things that I've done.  I wasn't expecting it to literally take all night.  Then again I wasn't expecting to work on it all night.  I was honestly surprised how much I had drawn between now and the last update.  For some reason I thought it was way less than it actually was.  That's pretty awesome.

Anyway, everything but 2 pictures fit where it was supposed to after April 7th.  I found 2 pictures I hadn't uploaded from March that can be found Here

There will also be a few things changing here on the blog.

The title will change from a "Date" to "Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc."

Challenge Posts
Challenges have become super fun for me to do so I've decided those entries will now get their own post to help keep things organized.  With a challenge "Master Post"

Regular Uploads
Now that things are finally settled in personal life land, let's try to get the daily studies back again!  While I think I'm in a pretty feel good mood right now, I would actually like to try another challenge like the 1000 drawing in 1 week challenge.  If i can get back to that level...  OH MAN!

Nightly Art Streams?
This isn't final yet and I'm still not sure if I want to do it, but I've been thinking about doing a nightly art stream.  It will probably be nothing too fancy and will likely not have a mic.  But hey we'll see.  I'm just thinking out loud with that post.

That's all i can think of for now. I'm way tired.  Off to bed.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 18, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Charizard #6

How do you make a pokemon any more epic than Carmeleon?  I dunno, turn it around and have it reach for the stars?  Haha. I decided on this pose because I wanted something a little different.  I'm not sure how well it turned out as far as pokemon go, BUTT I think it turned out pretty great (see what I did there?)

I really like how I was able to pull out the basic shapes of the pokemon Charizard.  I tried to reconstruct it  with those shapes and forms and it worked surprisingly well.  I think as far as the actual pokemon go I'm just gonna focus on trying to figure out the basic shapes and forms of the character and perhaps less so on making a unique pose for them.  Maybe a little bit of both?  I dunno.  I'm not setting any hard rules for this challenge other than the wanting to draw the monster girl pokemon and the actual pokemon.  So we'll see where we go in the future.

July 18, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Charmeleon #5

Wasn't entirely sure how I was gonna do this one.  Charmeleon is a but edgier than charmander so I wanted a bit of that to show through.  I originally had her with her arms crossed but I ended up changing it because I felt it took away from her unique arm design so I uncrossed them.  I think it got the full effect either way.  Another one I'm pretty pleased with.  I'm still focusing on learning forms and such.

Here is the original pose.

I would have likely went with this pose but like I said.  I think it took away from the unique arm design for charmeleon.  Something that I think kinda sets it apart from Charmander.  Along with the head shape of-course.

July 18, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Charmander #4

Charmander turned out pretty freakin adorable.  I got hung up on whether or not I should give her hair.  I decided to because why not?  Shouldn't get hung up on tiny details, just gotta try it to see if it works.  If it doesn't then take it off!  Which is what I did with her clothes.  But it's fine.  She's a pokemon calm down.
I only think her face could use a bit of work.  It looks a bit too "default charmander" for my liking.  but other than that im pretty pleased with the end result.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 16, 2015 - Art Vlog Thing! - Giving Credit (to yourself!)

Did one of these again.

Think the video speaks for itself.  I will be doing these more often.  While I know the audience for this kind of stuff (on my youtube channel) is a lot smaller than anything else I do.  If it can help anybody at all that's all that matters.  We are all learning.  We are all in this together.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Amoonguss #591


What a strange pokemon...   I went to a random pokemon generator thing and it picked this one.  So I did it.  It turned out ok.

what a strange pokemon...

July 14, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Venusaur #3

Actually suuuuper happy with how this one turned out.  I've been looking over forms and such again with vilppu (will be posting those when I finish the next chapter) so I was really able to utilize that when designing this one.  Not to mention I've never actually done a bigger type of character so I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Very pleased actually.

I saved the base before I added the details.  So good.

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015 - Figures and Nona

These were done in Manga Studio

I'm not exactly sure when I did these, but I'll just throw them here because.
I know the ones on the left were basic character studies with faces thrown on them, then the one's on the right were from from the regular quick gesture website I do.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7, 2015 - Doggy Direct

Doggy Direct...  Holy crap.

Finally after all these years and MANY setbacks Doggy Direct.  I've been wanting to do this thing for so many years.  It's a sigh of relief to finally be in a position to do it.  This little thing took at least 40 hours to put together.  I think that's a pretty awesome accomplishment on my part.  While I don't think I focused quite as hard as I should have, I think that the fact that I started and finished this thing in 3 days is amazing.  Creating the character, putting him together, animating him, dealing with audio, video, a number of unforeseen issues (that I will now easily be able to avoid next time around)  and also trying to re-familiarize myself with the animating software.  I think I did a good job.  My fingers are crossed for the next one, which should be soon!  I'd like to go more in depth about the "Doggy character" but I think I'll save that for another day.  That'll be a lengthy topic.

Here is an extra tidbit I wrote up on the facebook page about this series.
Here's a fun fact while I'm editing the blog post about Doggy Direct. Did you know the concept for Doggy Direct was originally thought of over 5 years ago? Some details, however, have been watered down and changed over the years, buuuut don't be too surprised if there's a bit more going on than it might first appear. Orbital Replay may still have it's moment to shine. But shhhh SHHHHH!!!! Don't tell anybody!! Here is the original teaser.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Ivysaur #2

Next up on the list Ivysaur
I'm still not entirely sure what I'm gonna do with "clothes" or "features" or "little sticky outy bits"  It's all part of the design I guess.  the Ivysaur on the right looks a little derp.  but that's fine.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015 - Pokemon Challenge Bulbasaur #1

I went ahead and decided to include the actual pokemon.  While they are not the main focus of the challenge I think it'd be fun to do also.  Why not right?  It will give some practice with drawing creature things.

June 30, 2015 - Figures & Requests

Some figure studies, believe I did these 2 min each?

Few friends and i were joking around and we came up with this one xD  CatBug, Squirtle, Strongbad, and Cammy haha xD

Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015 - Figures

Done in Manga Studio

 Wasn't super happy with how the first few turned out so i took a small break then came back to do some more.  A little better result 2nd time around.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015 - Pokemon Monster Girl Challenge (What have I done!?)

So I really liked doing the Monster Girl Challenge.  So I figured I'd take the same concept and apply it to Pokemon!...  Yes.  All 701 of them!  I wanted a long challenge that I can just focus on that can give me a near endless amount of material.  Let's be honest, the chances of actually finishing this thing are pretty slim...  BUT that just means I have a ton of content to pull from.  I'm not gonna worry too much about all the tiny details.  This, like all other challenges I do are just for fun.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015 - Team Fortress 2 Characters

Every TF2 guy

After I had completed the Monster Girl challenge I was looking to draw all the characters in one series or another.  I decided Team Fortress 2 had a fun style and a nice collection of characters so I thought I would take this one on.  I didn't do all of these in one sitting and I dont exactly remember when I finished each of them, but I do know I finished them all on May 31st.

Suuuper pleased with how they turned out!!!  I tried to come up with my own poses.  Turned out pretty great.  (pretty tired when writing this but Im really happy with the end result)

P.S.  I gave them all the same derpy face because I remembered that one gif of the heavy doing the thing.

May 31, 2015 - Pikachu cosplay girl

A friend suggested this one.  It was supposed to be a mortal kombat character but i cant quite remember her name xD

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mar. 19, 2015 - Bowser in a Dress.

Was watching a video and somebody said something about "Bowser in a dress" and i thought it was pretty funny so i drew it xD

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Feb. 4, 2015 - Dylan Say Something

And now for that silly little animation I teased last post.

Did it for my good buddy Raz.  I told him long ago that I would animate it.  I would often play that audio clip over and over saying "I'll get to that one day"  So I finally sat down and made it.  I think he liked it. 

Didn't get much else done today.  Again I couldn't sit still for the life of me.  I just kind of assumed it was the Monty Oum thing but later in the day I realized I hadn't taken the vitamins that seem to help my focus, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba along with Green Tea.  Not to mention... I did find out that another animator passed away as well,  Kitty0706.  I didn't follow this guy as much as Monty, but I did run into a few of his videos in the past and got a chuckle out of them.  His username would always catch my eye as being rather similar to mine.  When I bumped into his channel I would often go to his deviant art page to check out his art.  Such a talented guy.  For my own sanity I've opted out of looking more into things.  At least for now.  Perhaps that's why I forgot to take my pills xD...  RIP Kitty0706.

Surprisingly though, I wasn't as bitty about things today.  I just kind of left the day to watching things.  I watched the Rooster Teeth podcast Remembering Monty Oum and saw the great tribute video they did for him.  But I was ok with my scatter brain today.  I was able to finish that little animation, so I guess I can give myself one day break.

Get my schedule back on track.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb. 3, 2015 - Animation, Ruby, and R.I.P Monty Oum

On Feb. 2nd 2015 Monty Oum passed away.  Monty Oum was a fantastic animator that, unfortunately, it was only after his death did I truly understand how amazing of a person he was.  I first discovered Monty Oum about 7 or so years ago from the 3d animation he created by the name of "Haloid".  The animation quality was unlike anything I had ever seen before.  I did a little research on him but there was so little it made it difficult to follow him.

Fast forward some time and monty showed up again.  This time behind a series called "RWBY"  and again there was his amazing quality of work.  There was no doubt that he was the same person that had created Haloid some years ago and it was good to see more from him.  He kind of had a name for himself so it was a little easier to keep tabs on him. 

Then just a week ago I found out Monty was hospitalized.  He had an allergic reaction to a standard medical procedure that left him in a coma for a week where he then later passed away at on the 2nd at the age of 33.  I began doing a bit of research on him to learn a bit more about his personality...  and the more I read... the harder it has been to accept his passing...

Monty Oum was THE person that I strive to be.  That I have always dreamed of being.  He was extremely efficient with his work and was absolutely on top of his game and gave it 100% ALL the time.  He was super kind and generous and made time for those around him and never put them down.  He constantly encouraged people around him to create and be better people, and at the same time knew that it takes a lot of work and will power to create. 

My brain is drawing a blank for exactly how I want to word all this and how to put it into words... but it hurts.  It hurts a lot.  It hurts to know that somebody so talented and with all of their priorities in the right place could die for something so small.  That people like myself are left.  I know as an artist we're not supposed to compare ourselves to other people, or their work...  but man... I want what he had.  His focus... His drive!  For some reason every time somebody passes away in the creative field, I always find myself looking into a mirror.  Painfully examining my shortcomings.  Mainly my inability to focus and just get things done.  Why am I left here when there are far more talented and amazing people that are far more deserving of a second chance.  Why am I left here to fumble about trying to get my brains in order when there are people that have it together.

I understand that life doesnt work that way.  That every life has it's meaning and purpose.  But it still hurts.  The amount of people Monty inspired to be more generous, to be more respectful, and understanding.  How he pushed people to try harder for themselves and always looked at life with the glass half full.  It hurts.

While I have undoubtedly seen improvements in my own work...   There's just a part of me that feels like it's all just too late.

I've got to try harder.  I've got to keep moving forward.  I've got to prove myself wrong.

I know i'm a bit bummed right now... Right off of one of my own biggest moments in recent history.  I just know I can do better.  I must strive to be a better person.  While I dont think my brain will ever allow me to have Monty focus...  I can at least strive to be the best me that I can be. 

R.I.P Monty

The picture is a bit rough, but I set out to finish this thing today.  I wont nit pick too much because of my mental status of creating this, but I set out to create something today.  And I did!  Monty Oum's character Ruby.

And because I wanted to end the blog on a high note, here is a screenshot from my recent animation!  It's actually complete and wont go live till tomorrow.  I figured instead of moping around feeling sad about Monty, I'd sit down and work on an animation.

It's just a silly little thing, but I cant wait to share it here.

Gotta keep moving.  Gotta keep moving.  Gotta keep moving.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feb. 1, 2015 - 375 Figures (1000 FIGURE SKETCH CHALLENGE COMPLETE)

I thought 75 was a bit... then 100... then 200...  but 375 in a single day!?  Forget that, doing 1000 of these guys in juuuuusst over a week!?  (8 days)  This was insane.  I dont even know how to describe my excitement.  I set a ridiculous challenge to do 1000 of these things in a week and while I just missed that time it's almost surreal to think I made it so close.  The amount of hours I put into this thing, this final day really gave me a confidence boost I needed.  For once I was able to sit down and do the hours of drawing/studying I have always sought after with the creation of this blog.  I never expected to be able to obtain something like this.  The days would pass and pass and it would always feel like an elusive dream completely out of my grasp.  Unable to focus.  But I did today.  And it's a great feeling.  While the challenge is over, I'll try to move forward with what I've learned and always remember this as the first of many.  I look forward to being able to reach this state when animating or studying.

Cant let up, gotta keep moving!!
What a way to start the month though.  Holy crap.

Each of the 1000 figures were done 1 min each.
Websites used were:
(The usual go to sites for figures but it's been a while since I've linked them)

Here's the sketches.  (because there are so many I put them after the break.)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jan. 31, 2015 - 200 FIGURE SKETCHES!!!

Holy jeeze, talk about ending the month strong.  It's really great to have been able to do so many of these.  Another minor accomplishment I suppose, and new record!  I started I couldnt seen to get things right.  But the more I went on, the more I kinda got my groove back.  I even feel that Im starting to understand form just a little bit better.  There were a few poses that were really hard but trying the sphere form method I was able to see them a bit better.  However, doing each of these at 1 min each didn't really give me much time to fully analyze it.  Anyway, It's late, I'm tired here's the 200 figure sketches bringing my total up to 625 out of 1000.  Not sure if i'll be able to hit 200 tomorrow, but heck I didnt think i'd be able to do it today.  So time will tell!!